•Chapter 29•

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[a/n] y'all are such wonderful people I'm gonna be so sad when I have to end this cuz you guys are so nice and great.

wtf did you do -YG

Nothing?? I mean.. we did... y'know last night -NJ

Dude did you ask for consent or were you being a dick -YG


I was just asking man
so he said yes
Then what did you do wrong? DONT ACTUALLY TELL ME ABOUT IT

I don't know??? -NJ

You better apologize so effing hard -YG

He's waking up gtg -NJ

rude  -YG


Namjoon set his phone aside, feeling the bed shift as Seokjin stirred awake, eyes fluttering open after a long moment.

Their eyes met, and Namjoon chewed on his own bottom lip in worry. He wasn't sure what he expected from the older. He knew he did something wrong last night, but there was no way of telling what.

Jin noticed the worried expression, and was confused as to why. It took a moment for last nights incident to come back to mind, face reddening and Jin peeked under the bedsheets to find that yes, he was naked. And no, he wasn't alone in being so.

The weirdest thing to him though was the fact it didn't hurt so much.

He felt dirty. Unpleasant. But not... filthy. Not disgusting. Or alone. Because Namjoon was right here.

He felt Namjoon brush his thumb over his cheek lightly, his look of worry even more evident then before for some reason.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry if I hurt you or.. or did anything wrong. "

His heart ached. He didn't want to think it was his fault, it never had been.

"Please don't cry.."

Jin brought a hand to his face, right where Namjoons hand was, and sure enough felt the warmth of tears he hadn't even realized were there.

Quickly Jin sat up, the blanket falling to his waist in his sudden movement. Using the heels of his hands he tried rubbing his eyes, to get the tears away.

Namjoon sat up too, unsure what to do in this situation. "What's wrong?"

Jin let his hands fall to his lap, looking at them intently. It wasn't Namjoons fault. And he would think it was all because of him. Jin didn't want him to think that, because this pain wasn't caused by him. It went so much deeper than that. 

With shaking hands Seokjin reached and took Namjoons arm, lightly tracing over it. The younger understood this, and reached to his nightstand where he almost knocked over a few things just to grab a notebook (ordinarily used for writing down dreams he didn't want to forget in the morning) and a dull pencil and handing them to Jin, whom opened the book to a random empty place.

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