•Chapter 21•

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[a/n] buckle up kids
(I wrote a lot of this on a tablet so uh yeah there may be a ton of misspelling I missed 'n stuff sorry)

As soon as the line went dead, Jin was basically out of his seat. Something was happening, and he didn't dare think of what it could be. But in the back of his mind, he knew.

Namjoon was up just as quick, not really looking at how much he put on the table to pay as in a moments notice he was ready to rush to Jin's apartment. He didn't even have to say a word, because Seokjin had already grabbed his wrist and started pulling him out the door.

"Have a nice eveni-" Youngjae's voice was cut off by their abrupt departure, as the door closed behind them.

It had been near dusk by the time they had gotten here, not that long ago, so the sun had already started to go down. In a short while the street lights would started turning on, but there was still plenty of time to get back. Jin was betting on that.

The only way he knew Namjoon was still on his heels was because he had taken his hand, and using that as a reference to where he was beside him, hurrying back to the apartment.

Thoughts and horrifying imagery of what he could find once they got back turned and shifted through Jins mind a million miles per second. What if he-

"He's gonna be okay Seokjin," Namjoon, who was a little out of breath because of the near run. He was able to pick up on Jins distress easily, even he was thinking the worst. But of course he didn't let that show. It would make it worse.

Jin looked to Namjoon, the pace faltering in the bitter cold. Only now was he realizing that he had left his jacket in the restaurant, being in such a rush to get out and back home, neither put their jackets on. The darkening light only lowered the temperature, and wind blew up loose snow from the ground.

Jin could only pray that Namjoon was right.


He almost wanted to just kick the door down when he got back to the apartment. Jins nerves were off the wall as they got inside the apartment building, Jin quickly going ahead and turning the corner to where his home was.

Where Tae was.

It only took a moment to realize Jin didn't need a key, nor did he have to kick the door down.

It was already open.

Namjoons eyes widened seeing this, recalling not too long ago. The encounter with Jin and Taehyungs father. Only now did Namjoon come to the conclusion that Jin had all the way back at the resuarant.

Namjoon noticed Jin starting to stiffen so he pulled ahead of Him, insure of what  the older was thinking, but knowing something needed to be done.

Namjoon pushed the door open slowly, the lights were still on inside. At first glance nothing was out of the ordinary, but taking a few steps in and taking some attention to the detail Namjoon saw shattered glass over the wooden floors.

It crunched beneath his shoes, and he looked back to check Jin. His face was drained of color and he looked like he might keel over any second.

Namjoon forced himself to let go of Jins hand, knowing he had to find Tae. That would set him at ease, but really he wasn't sure what state he would find him in.

He stepped to the living room, and it was revealed that all the couch coushins had been torn about.

"Tae-" Namjoon started to call, before noticing in the corner of the room a small figure curled into himself, hiding his face and hands behind his knees.

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