•Chapter 27•

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[a/n] I never noticed this may be ending soon. Y'all. This may be the last few chapters holy crap

Jungkook looked back and forth, standing in the snow just outside the schools entrance. He didnt see them. He chewed his bottom lip, just about ready to give up.

He remembered they promised to show up. Jimin and Taehyung. The three decided to stick together, but right now, Jungkook wasn't so sure.

He didnt expect it to hurt so bad, feeling disappointed that they must've forgotten.

It was the first time he was actually excited for Monday. To go back to school.

Just before he started to turn to go inside, he noticed someone running in the snow from the parking lot, poorly dressed for the snow, lacking a hat, scarf or gloves of any kind.

Instantly Jungkook knew who that slim form belonged too. Hope and relief nudged him down the school steps to meet him down at the bottom of the stairs.

Jimin made it eventually, sucking in breathes and releasing white billows, his whole face tinted red from not only the cold but from running as well. It hid the anxious blush that threatened.

"Sorry... I.." Jimin ran a frozen hand through his hair, before rubbing them together and shivering. His eyes fell from Jungkooks. "Sorry."

Honestly, Jungkook was so relieved he wasn't forgotten about that he really didnt mind. He was just happy to be relevant right now. "Its okay. Lets go inside, its almost time for class. "

His eyes went to Jimins hands, for a second considering maybe holding them because how cold he must have been. His face reddened thinking about It. His hands looked soft.

Before he actually moved, Jimin put his hands in his pockets and started up the school stairs to hurry inside to warmth.

On his way up the stairs, trying to distract his mind from Jimins small and very holdable seeming hands, Jungkook brought up the first thing he could think of.

"Where do you think Tae is?" he asked, opting to open the door and let them both inside. Jimin sighed in relief at the sudden temperature going change inside.

He shrugged to Jungkooks question. "He always gets here before me..."

"Do you think something happe-"

"GUYS." Taehyungs voice rang loud and clear as the school buildings front door swung open not a moment too early. "I think Namjoons apartment is haunted."

Jungkook tilted his head. "What do you mean haunted?"

Taehyung glanced around, and went up to stand between the two, lowering his voice. "I could hear the tortured moans of the undead."

None of them said a word. Jungkook swallowed. He remembered what Yoongi had been talking about when they left the other night.

"Craps gonna go down. You can feel the tension. Namjoons getting freaking laid. " of course Yoongi didn't use the words 'crap' and 'freaking', but Jungkook automatically made the switch in his mind anyways.

Jungkook cleared his throat, making sure none of the other students could hear him when he whispered.

"I dont think it was ghosts I think they were having..." a pause. Jungkook saw how closely he was being looked at by Jimin and Taehyung. "... the sex."

Jimins face went red and Taehyung paled. He seemed to be having a very serious realization.


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