•Chapter 10•

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[a/n] this chapter is a little slow to start with, sorry if it's boring :<

The rest of the day went by in a monotonous fashion, since Namjoon had turned him down for lunch. Jin was hoping it was just because Namjoon was extra busy for work today, even though for the past few weeks he hadn't missed out on lunch even once..

Jin was on his way home after a long day, his shift at the deli was earlier today so he could pull in some more hours before pay day. He wouldn't have very long until he had to leave after he got, a little under an hour maybe. It was possible, if he rushed, to shower and dress and get some dinner done for Tae before he left.

Jin entered the apartment building, going to their number and hesitating before turning the corner, almost expecting Hakan at their doorstep again. Much to Jin's relief no one was there. He went to the front door and pulled out his key, unlocking it and heading on inside the apartment.

Immediately he heard Tae from the living room. "Hyuuung!" He called, rounding the corner to see Seokjin. He half expected Namjoon too, but Tae didn't see him there.

Jin smiled at his younger brother, giving him a hug. Tae, after a moment, pulled away and glanced to the corner of his eyes before looking back.

"So.. when I talked to Hobi yesterday.. He wanted to know if I could go over to his house and hangout for a little bit? I'd come back before it got too dark! And he could walk me back so you don't have to worry about anything! Promise!" He blurted out quickly, almost crossing his fingers and waiting for an answer.

Jin sighed a little bit, and rubbed his eyes a little bit before nodding a yes. What good would it have been to say no? If he did Tae would have moped around the house for days. Taehyung jumped up in excitement, again embracing Jin in a ginormous hug, almost bone crushing.

Jin wheezed, patting Tae's back until he released the older. He was smiling so broadly Jin wouldn't be surprised if it hurt.

"Hobi wanted to know if I'd be having dinner at his house..." Tae paused to see what Jin was gonna say to this.

Sure, but you better hurry on and go. Jin signed. In two seconds Tae had run to the living room to grab his shoes that were just laying there and putting them on quickly.

"Thank you hyung!" Tae nearly shouted running back to him at the door.

Be safe, Jin signed to him one last time, letting him practically run out the door. Jin could only assume Tae actually knew where Hoseok lived.. If he didn't, well..

Jin decided if he worried about that he wouldn't be able to get anything done that he needed to, and should try and trust in Tae this one time.. Except how he always got lost. Even in the mall once he had wandered away. Sure, that was a few years ago and Tae was a lot younger then, but this wandering tendency was still there regardless of how long it'd been.

Jin dropped his bag, stifling a yawn. He told himself to message Hoseok later and make sure Tae made it, since he had his number because Taehyung was always calling him nowadays.

Maybe if Jin hurried he could shower, get dressed, and nap for twenty minutes. Just the thought of sleeping almost made him shut down he was so tired. Jin dragged himself to the bathroom, not minding with closing the door because he was home alone.

Jin reached into the shower and turned it on, setting the temperature that he wanted. As the bathroom mirror steamed up Jin removed his shirt, setting it on the counter, and then doing the same to the rest of his clothes.

Jin hopped into the hot water, sighing when he felt the heat on his back and closing his eyes. It felt really nice.

His mind wandered to all sorts of things, standing in the steamy bathroom. For one, his almost constant worry for Tae. And surprisingly Namjoon came to mind. Jin opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the ceiling, steam rising in swirls all around him.

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