His Electric Feel Part 23

Start from the beginning

"You know what? This look just might be growing on me," Van said to me with an amused look on his face.

"Good answer. Question: do you have any shampoo or conditioner?" I was expecting him a no, but I should have learned that Van was anything but predictable.

"Could you be talking about shampoo and conditioner like this?" Van pulled out two bottles of product that I had used since I was fifteen. He then proceeded to amaze me even more. "And I'm shocked that you forgot about soap, a razor, a tooth brush, a hair brush, and your trademark mascara." He dumped everything in my arms.

"I'll admit it. I'm slightly impressed," I said to him as I walked backwards to the bathroom.

"Dammit, I knew I should have picked up that chap stick, oh wait I did." Smiling like the smart ass he was, he pulled a colorful tube out of his pants pocket and threw it to me. It landed with a small click on top of the pile of toiletries. I laughed when I saw the small tube.

"Lip Smackers in skittle flavor?"

"What can I say? I'm not a chocolate kind of guy." He was leaning on the counter with a toothy grin."You should go shower now, we gotta be out of here in an hour if we're going to make your surprise."

With that, I rounded the corner and walked into the bathroom. Dumping everything on the counter, I grabbed the shampoo, conditioner, soap, and razor. I showered quickly, only slowing down to shave so I wouldn't nick myself. Hopping out of the shower, I grabbed the only towel in the bathroom and wrapped it tightly around myself. It had to be the same one Van used last night, because it smelled so strongly of leather. Without wasting any time, I brushed my teeth, scrunched and twirled my hair so it would dry peicey and sexily, and swiped on a bit of mascara and the Lip Smackers chap stick. It did taste pretty good. I finished up by using the mascara as eyeliner and applied it to just my lower lidx. Looking in the mirror, I saw a sexy young woman that was wearing only a towel.

"VAN," I yelled from the small crack I had made in the door.

"YES," he yelled back from the kitchen area.

"I DON"T HAVE ANY CLOTHES!" I heard his gravelly laugh as he walked around the corner that separated us. He had the brown bag in his hand.

"You don't think I forgot about clothes did you?" Leaning up against the wall, I took in what he was wearing. He was decked in khaki cargo shorts, a tight fitting white t-shirt that served his muscular form very well, and black vans. "Torah?" he asked getting my attention back.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself from getting jealous of your clothes covered body," I replied in a sarcastic voice.

"Yeah, I enjoy being naked too, but..." he trailed off with a smirk.

"That is not what I meant and you know it." I was fighting back the blush that was threatening to arrive.

"You're the one that said it," he continued with a smirk.

"Whatever. So you got me clothes too?"

"Yes ma'am I did." He walked towards the bathroom door that I was hiding my towel covered body behind. There was a way to make this situation work in my favor.

"And you got me everything that a grown woman needs?" Van cleared his throat, but there was no blush, yet.

"I uh think so."

"Can I see the bag?" I reached an arm out for it, but Van pulled it out of my range.

"No can do Torah, there's still some stuff in here that I can't give you yet."

"Well can I have a bra and underwear at least?" I shot at him. His eyes dropped to the floor as he fumbled through the bag. His hand came out with white boy short panties covered in blue polka dots and a white bra with bit of lace on it. I probably would have picked out the same thing. He handed over the items and I slipped them on after I shut the door and dropped my towel. They both fit perfectly. Looking in the mirror, I liked the way they fit my body in fact. My boobs looked great and the underwear was crazy comfortable. I looked hot in it. Opening the door, I peeked out at van. His back was against the wall and he was looking at the ceiling.

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