not anymore || 🌸

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Italic words are flashbacks.

"Jin how do you do this?" You asked him. You were holding a knife and an onion.

"Y/n be careful with that knife young lady!" He said and walked towards you.

In that moment your heart started beating rapidly. He looks so handsome with that pink apron on, that black hair that is parted so his forehead is showing. His oh so handsome face, those cute eyes and plump lips. Hes perfect alright.

He grabbed the knife and onion from you hands and put them into the cutting board.

"So to cut this, you need to out pressure and cut it forwards. Make it as straight a possible." He said and cut the onion in half.
"Get it?"

You snapped out of reality and nodded. You were bus starring at his wide back that you really couldn't focus on what he's talking about.

He step aside for you to take over. You took the knife and cut the onion.

"Am I doing it right?" You asked.

You were shocked when you felt his presence behind you. Your heart is beating faster as he held your hands and positioned the, in the right way.

"Do it this way. You might cut your fingers in that position" he said, his hot breath into your ears. "Now try it"

You awkwardly sliced the onion, his hands still resting in yours. You felt your eyes tear up due to the onion.

"Ya! That's right! Keep doing it!"

Saddly, he let go of your hands. You continued cutting the onions, your eyes tearing up not because of the onion itself but because you felt pity for yourself.

You secretly loved Jin.

You reminisced all the fun times you guys shared.

"Y/n look at this! Its cute!" Jin called you. You turned you attention to him and saw him holding a Mario Plushie.

"Awwwwww kyo~" you said.

He looked at the price tag, his smile turning into a frown.

"Wae?" You asked. He forced a small smile at you and returned the plush

"C'mon Lets go home. i'll make you your favorite lamb Skewers"

You smiled widely nodded.


"Jin! Jin! Wake up! Don't leave me!" You shouted while shaking him.

"Ms. We need you to stay behind. We promise to do our best to save him" the nurse said

You cried loudly as you sit in the chair. It happened so fast you didn't know what happened. You just saw him lying down in the middle of the road bathing on his own blood.

"Y/n! Y/n!" You snapped out of reality and looked at the worried jin. "You cut your finger and you're crying" he said. You looked at your finger and saw blood into it.

He helped you. He applied cream onto the spot and attached a bandaid to it. You didn't realize that tears were flowing down your eyes once again

"Ya why are you still crying! Its done! No more cut!" He said.

"The operation was a success" the doctor said. "Tho we are deeply sorry."

You looked at the doctor curiously.

"He has amnesia. He woke up just now and started freaking out. He was finding someone with the name 'irene'"

You looked at his face intensely. You knew he couldn't be with you anymore. You knew that its all over. You can't get him back into your arms even tho you want him too.


You guys gazed at the door and saw her.

The girl who he loves now.

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