Part 21 ~ Painfully Shy

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I'm on my way back home from school. I haven't said a word to anyone today. Not even to Mrs.Johnson. She noticed that something was up with me . . she tried to talk to me during lunch break but I didn't want to. I spent lunch alone and now I'm walking home all by myself.

I just don't wanna be around anyone at the moment.

I open the door and walk inside. Mom is sitting in the kitchen, preparing dinner. I look over at the empty couch where my father used to sit. I stop and swallow all the hurt I'm feeling to stop myself from starting to cry.

Dad left. He left yesterday evening.

Mom left him.

Because she found out that he's been hurting me behind her back. I walk into the kitchen. Mom is crying secretly to herself . . and she's not chopping onions. She turns around and looks at me. "Hi baby. . how was school today?"

I take a seat. "Not good . . mom, please stop crying"

She puts the kitchen utensils down and starts crying bitterly. I walk up to her and take her in my arms. "Michael, I'm so sorry . . how can I ever forgive myself? . . I had no idea this was going on, why didn't you tell me that dad was hurting you?! . . WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??"

. . . . .

"I . . I didn't want you guys to break up, mom! . . I already lost my sister . . I didn't want to lose my dad, too! . . and I know how much you need him . . I just couldn't tell you . . I'm so sorry, mom . . please give him another chance . . I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt me . . please, mom . . I know how much you want him back"

"Stop it right there, Michael! . . no one . . and I repeat, NO ONE has a right to put a hand on you! not even your father!"

"Mom . . I know he didn't mean to hurt me! . . it's the pain . . that's how he deals with Monica death . . I can take it, mom . . I can take the pain!"

She takes me in her arms. "You don't have to take any pain, ok?? no one has the right to hurt you! NO ONE! . . losing Monica doesn't excuse him for letting his anger and frustration out on you, Michael . . it doesn't give him the RIGHT!"

"I never wanted you guys to break up, mom . . ."

"Baby . . I don't know what the future holds . . but for now, I'm glad he's gone! ok? we're gonna get through this, ok? . . now . . let's talk about something positive . . I'm sick and tired of crying all day . . . umm . . why don't you bring your new girlfriend over? I would just LOVE to meet her"

"Mom, no . . . you're going to embarrass me . ."

"Michael . . my hand to god, I will NOT embarrass you!"



Today is the day Chris is coming back home from the hospital. I can't wait to see him and talk to him about what happened. I hope he's alright.

I can't stop thinking about him.

School is finally over. I'm taking Jordyn home for the first time. I hope mom is not going to embarrass me. We walk inside . . mom is standing in the hallway with a bright smile on her face. I introduce Jordyn to her. Mom is blown away by her. She's offering her tea and cookies. I'm standing here in the hallway all by myself.

Who's dating Jordyn, me or my mother?

I finally manage to get Jordyn away from my mom. We walk upstairs to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. I put in a movie and we watch it together.

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