Part 17 ~ Can You Keep A Secret?

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I'm on my way to school. I'm not feeling too well, but I really wanna go. I wanna see Michael. I kinda really miss him . . the last time we hung out was like a week ago . . we haven't seen each other since. He's been having a lot of trouble at home, he said. I feel bad for him.

Luckily, I can still feel his lips on mine. The kiss he gave me two weeks ago at the park still lingers on me. My love for Michael has gotten to a whole new level. Looking at him and talking to him is so different now. I feel so much happier . . and I actually stopped eating junk food . . I'm watching what I eat now.

It's like my love for Michael fills my stomach up with butterflies. There is no room for burgers or french fires . . I still love to eat them, don't get me wrong . . but I don't feel the need to be eating them so much anymore. And I think it's because I've been so happy lately . . I don't need junk food in my system . . I simply don't crave it anymore.

I walk up to the ping pong table where Michael and his friends are hanging around. He gives me a sweet smile as I'm walking passed them, sitting down on the bench next to the ping pong table. 

"Hi, Jordyn" 

"Hey, Michael"

He grabs his school books and walks over to me. God, I love the cologne he's wearing. And that white hoodie looks adorable on him. 

"You don't have to walk passed us . . you can hang around with me and my friends, Jordyn . . you don't have to be scared of Keisha"

I look down and tuck my hair behind my ear. "I would love to Michael but the look she's giving me right now freaks me out . . she hates my guts" He starts laughing. "I know but she's just jealous . . don't pay attention to her, please . .ok?"

I nod shyly. "Ok"


"Mrs.Johnson? . . can I use the bathroom?"

"Sure, Michael" 

He gets up and walks out of the room. How I would love to go after him and wait for him in the hallway . . I wanna be alone with him. ALONE. Just like we were in the park. Should I go after him? . . yes . . I just have to. 

"Mrs.Johnson . . umm . . I really have to go to the bathroom"

"Ok, Jordyn . . go ahead!" Mrs.Johnson says.

I get up and run out of the classroom. I slowly walk up to the men's room. Chris is standing there, waiting. It's so funny that those two have to pee at the same time. The door opens . . Michael walks out . . I quickly hide behind the fountain. Why am I even hiding? . . I came out here to talk to him! . . gosh, I'm so dumb.

This is so typical of me . . whenever I'm nervous I do the stupidest things. Just when I'm about to walk up to him, Chris grabs Michael's arm rather harshly. Oh boy ? . . what's going on with those two? . . I hope they're not going to have a fight out here in the hallway. 

I wonder what they are arguing about. 

Michael looks pissed . . should I go up to them?

The second I want to get up and walk over to them, Chris starts crying. Oh my . . why is he crying now? . . Michael looks a little helpless . . now he's standing in front of Chris awkwardly. I don't think this is a good time for me to appear out of nowhere. I better stay here until they both go back to class. Now Michael is hugging him.

Aww . . I hope Chris is ok. Michael lets go of him . . and now Chris wraps his arms around Michael and gives him a long kiss on his cheek. 

Ok . . ?

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