Part 44 ~ Emotional Overdose

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We're now getting ready to walk into Club Piranha. 

Chris, Enrico, Jimmy, Elena, Jennifer and I had a good amount of whiskey to start the night off. I'm feeling great, so, let this night finally begin. I wonder if we bump into Jordyn . . I wouldn't mind that one bit. 

But I'm sure Chris would.

This place is packed. But thankfully we're on the guest list . . which means we're getting a private lounge. Elena is sitting on my left side, Jennifer on my right. Chris is sitting across from me with Jimmy and Enrico. 

The music is absolutely banging and the booze is starting to get to my head. We just got three more vodka bottles . . they even put it all in ice . . 20 cans of red bull . . two bottles of coke and a huge whiskey bottle. I can already feel the hangover I'm gonna have tomorrow. 

Jennifer and Elena just left the lounge to go dancing in the crowd. It's only us men here in the lounge now . . and I can tell that we're being stared at. Two good looking women enter our lounge and ask if they can sit down.

"Yea, go ahead . . have a drink!" I say. The two girls both grab a can of red bull. One of the girls sits down next to me and starts talking to me. I can barely hear her, the music is so incredibly loud. I look over at Chris. The girl's friend is right next to him, telling him something close to his ear. 

She then grabs his arm, wanting him to get up from the chair.

Sorry, sweeheart . . . he's not into you. 

To my surprise, Chris actually gets up and they both walk down to the dance floor together. What just happened here? . . Chris is hanging out with a woman he doesn't even know?

The girl next to me keeps talking and talking . . I'm having a hard time understanding her and from what I hear, I must say her voice is terribly annoying. I lean over to her and tell her that I'm taken. She gets up and leaves the lounge, immediately.

I pour myself a glass of vodka and mix it with red bull. 

Chris actually got up to dance with that girl? . . I can't get over that. Enrico sits down next to me and shows me a video on his phone. He always finds the craziest shit. I take a sip from my drink and take a look into the crowd. I can't see Chris anywhere. 

I finish my drink and decide to walk around the club. Maybe I'll even bump into Jordyn . . I wonder who she's here with. Did she bring a guy? . . or is she here with friends? . . I wonder. I grab a handful of baby pretzels at the bar and shove them in my mouth. I realize all of a sudden that I have to pee . . . desperately. 

I walk into the men's room and do my thing. I wash my hands and walk back to the lounge. Maybe Chris came back in the meantime. Elena, Jennifer, Enrico and Jimmy are sitting here . . but Chris is still nowhere to be found. I sit down and pour myself another drink. This time I'm going for whiskey. I'm starting to get a little angry.

"Are you ok?" Elena asks.

"Sure . . why?"

"You seem a little absent. . . where's Chris?"

"I don't know! ok?!" I reply, starting to get even more pissed.

"Isn't it crazy that Jordyn is here, Michael? . . I must say, she looks amazing! she lost all the weight! . . she's freakin' skinny now!" Elena says with huge eyes. I nod, giving her a half-smile. "I know . . I had lunch with her yesterday"

"You did?? . . tell me, is she still into you?" Elena asks, waiting impatiently for me to answer. "I don't know" I reply, taking a sip from my drink. 

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