Part 16 ~ Love's Pain

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I can't believe Chris just did that to me. How could he do this? How could he act so damn inappropriate?? I am so mad right now, I could break stuff. . . seriously, what the hell?! I didn't feel disgusted before . . but now I do. 

Chris took advantage of me. 

He totally did.

"Mike, I'm sorry . . I didn't think this through"

"Well, that's right you didn't think!!! what possessed you to touch me like that?!"

"You kinda sent out signals . . I just followed"

"Signals? . . dude, I WAS SLEEPING! . . you obviously followed the wrong damn signal because I never sent out any damn signals! how could you do this to me, Chris?! I'm not into you like that, ok? . . I love you as my best friend but for nothing more than that! . . that was fucked up! . . that was just so FUCKED up, dude!"

"Mike, I'm sorry . . . please forget it ever happened"

"Well, that's not easy! . . how can I just forget about it and go on like nothing ever happened? you were about to freakin' touch me down there!!"

"Michael, I'm so sooo sorry"

"Damn, Chris . . . please tell me that just didn't happen! . . why are you touching me in my sleep? that shit's illegal, by the way!"

"Mike . . I'm sorry . . I was overwhelmed with emotions . . I just couldn't help myself . . I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable . . in my defense, I was under the impression that you were fast asleep"

"Oh . . so you would've just went ahead and touched me in my fucking sleep?! . . dude, this is fucked up! . . not too long ago we hung out like two best friends . . you know . . being NORMAL!. . and now it's all changed . . it's all changed now, Chris"

"Oh . . so what you're saying is I'm not normal to you?!"

"No, that's not what I'm saying . . I mean, we were friends and everything was normal . . everything was fine between us . . now I feel like I can't even look at you, Chris!"

"Michael, I wasn't going to fuck you! . . ok? . . you're totally overreacting! . . I just . . I don't know what I was doing, ok?! . . my emotions took control of me . . I don't know what was happening with me . . I just . . gosh, Michael . . I'm so sorry!"

"Chris . . . what would you have done If I hadn't woken up?"

"I don't know . . . why?"

"TELL ME! what would you have done if I hadn't stopped you?!"

"I don't know . . . Michael, I really don't know . ."

"God . . I'm about to throw up! . . this is too much for me . . what are you doing?! you're fucking ruining our friendship here, CHRIS!!"

"Michael, I'm sorry . . I really am . . please stop yelling. ."

"How can I not yell?! . . Chris, I'm about to lose it here!"

"Michael, I'm sorry this happened . . really . . I am . . please forgive me! it will never happen again!"

"You're darn right it will never happen again!! . . are you aware that what you were about to do is considered a form or rape?!"

"Hey . . you're talking crazy now, Michael! . . I would've given you oral . . but that's it! ok? . . I wouldn't have gone any further than that!"

"DUDE! . . ORAL?! . . are you trying to kill me or something?? don't even tell me that!! that thing between my legs is for ladies . . ok?! . . god . . I wanna puke!"

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