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Chapter Twenty-four || Riley's P.O.V

"Hey, we're going to get pizza, you wanna come?" Stella asks.

"Um, what about Jenna?"

"She's doesn't want to come. She's hooking up with this guy. Nash, I think." she tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, okay then." I say.

Sending a text to Harry to tell him that I was getting pizza.

Haz: okay than. Hurry back... I wanna make you feel good. ;) x

I blush fiercely, locking my phone and following Stella to the car. "So, I spoke to Jen," Stella tells me.


"She's sorry. She didn't mean to offend you."

"Look, I don't want to sit here and listen to you defending her. I'm tired of her constantly needing to flirt with other guys." I argue. "Can you drop me off at Harry's?" I ask, tired of listening to her defending Jenna.

"Riley, I'm sorry. I just needed you to understand. She just didn't mean to make you upset, it was all a joke."

"Just, please drop me off." I say, attention focused on out the window.

We finally reach Harry's and I get out before anyone can say goodbye. I frown, Harry's car not sitting in the drive like it should be.

Me: Hey, I'm home, where are you?

Haz: Sorry, something came up. I'll be home as soon as I can.

Me: ok, be safe.

I sigh, walking to Harry's bedroom where I put my bag down before heading to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grab out the apple juice, pouring some in a glass. Sipping from my glass, I fish out my phone.

Dialing the pizza delivery place, I order myself a cheese pizza. When I'm finished, I make my way to the couch and switch the TV on.

Finding a rerun of The Big Bang Theory, I get comfortable awaiting the arrival of my pizza and Harry.

After about an hour, a knock is heard on the door. Grabbing my money I walk to the door, swinging it open, stumbling back when I find an unexpected house guest.

"Hey, darling." I stumble back, heart beating erratically against my rib cage.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Just... visiting. Where's lover boy?" I felt the need to lie, to tell him that Harry was here in the house with me,scared of what might happen next if they knew he wasn't here to protect me.

"Um, h-he's... he'll be home soon." I tell him and he chuckles.

"You have no idea where he is, do ya, baby doll?"

"I-... I... he's..."

"Last I saw he was beaten up something terrible." the monster chuckles.

"What are you talking about?"

"Next time he wants to stand up to me, to defend the both of you, he will fucking die. I will personally kill him myself! He's a fucking child, make him understand!" with that, he spits in my face before storming out.

I wipe the residue from my face before rushing to my phone that rested on the coffee table.

I dial Harry's numbers, letting it ring out.

Me: Harry where are you?!  Are you ok?! Please answer me!!  Your dad was just here!

Locking my phone I sit on the sofa, anticipating when Harry was going to reply. My thoughts are halted by a knock on the door, my body going stiff. Standing, I move to the window I look out.

I relax seeing a guy standing at the front patiently with a pizza box resting his hands. Grabbing the money for the second time I open the door.

"Thank you." I say offering a small smile.

I leave the pizza in the box on the counter, too nervous to eat.

I decide to ring Harry again, this time being a success. "Harry, oh my god, are you okay? What's happening?"

"Riley," he chokes, coughs following after. "I'm at the park around the corner." he says.

"I'll be right there." I say before hanging up. Locking my door on the way out, I head for the park. Arriving around ten minutes later I spot his car. Looking in it I am disappointed to no find Harry residing in it. My eyes turn to the equipment set on the park, a body hunched over. Running over I am relieved to find his messy curls.

"Harry," I say exasperated. He lifts his head, dry blood staining a trail from his nose down his face. A small trace was noticeable from his eyebrow which had swollen dramatically. "Holy shit, Harry! What happened?" I asked as I gently grip his face to examine his face.

"Nothing. Can we just go home?" I nod, helping him to the car.

When I arrive back at Harry's, I take him to the bathroom, telling him to sit on the closed toilet lid. Pulling out a cloth I start to wipe the blood stains away.

"I think I should leave. Me being here isn't safe." I state, taping his eye.


Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to contain my test the threatened to spill at the sound of his cracking voice. "It's dangerous here Harry. Look at yourself, I was harassed by your father. I'm not safe here. Being around you... it messes with my judgement." Harry wraps his hands around my waste, tugging my body toward him as he muzzles his face into my stomach.

"Please don't leave me."

"There's nothing to leave! We're just an emotional mess, neither of us sure what's happening. Being together, it's not good, toxic even. You're emotionally messed up, not being able to fully connect with other people, while I'm just here, hanging on for the ride."

"No, that's not true. I know I'm not a perfect guy; polite, always caring, heart sitting on my sleeve but believe me I'm trying, Riley. God, am I trying for you. Yeah, both of us are messed up emotionally, but that's why it works for us, we understand each other. I know what's happening here. I'm falling for you without permission. I don't want to have to rely on someone, needing the satisfaction of waking up beside them but I do, I need it."



"No, I can't keep this going, the back and forth."

"Riley, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to make us official?" my eyes widen, the thought of officially being Harry's girlfriend not what I had in mind for how this night was going to work out. Honestly, I thought by this point I would be packing my bags and heading to Stella's, but for whatever reason I couldn't. I drag myself away from the magnetic force holding the both of us together. "Please, don't make me beg." he says and I roll my eyes.

"You always know how to get to me, huh?" I smile, hands running through his curls.

"You'll stay? As my girlfriend?" I chuckle, bending down.

"Well, I can't just walk away." I smile as I kiss him.

I kind of liked this chapter... it was a tad clichè but eh.

Thank you, thank you!!  Love ya xx

Published: 17th October, 2017

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