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Chapter Three || Riley's P.O.V

I slowly trudge into school, exhaustion still enveloping me from Friday's events. I didn't manage to sleep all that much because I can't stop the thoughts of Harry working at my place whirling around in my brain.

This afternoon it will all start, he will come over to start working. I'm not sure what it was about this situation in which I felt so queasy about, it just didn't feel right.

I walk to my locker, Jenna and Stella already buzzing around it. They smile wide when they see me.

"Hey Riley!" Stella greets, too chirpy for my liking on a Monday morning. "Hey, so what happened after dropping us off? Did you talk to your dad? Do you know what happen? Why Harry did it in the first place?" She asks a million questions a second.

Honestly, Friday's events of her pushing me were still freshly burned into my brain, annoyance still lingering in my veins. "Really Stella? Why do you feel the need to ask me so many god damn questions?" I ask, the sassiness in my tone not masked at all. I couldn't help it. I know it's being bitchy but she's just being too.. perky lately.

"Sorry, just trying to make sense of the situation." She sasses back, I just roll my eyes in response.

"Harry's punishment is community service, that's all I know." I say and they raise their eyebrows, wanting me to explain further. "Atmyhouse." I rush, tangling my words together.

"What?" Jenna asks, a smile on her face as she snickers at me. I roll my eyes, inhaling deeply.

"He has to come to place to work off his 100 hours of community service." I mumble, trying my best to escape them as I walk away, but of course, they follow after me.

"What's he got to do?" Jen asks, I just shrug nonchalantly.

"Help look after the horses, sort out the barn and such. I don't know, anything dad really assigns him." I explain hoping they'll leave it there, but to my dismay Stella decided to keep the questioning going.

"Why did he do it?" She asks and I give her a confused look. "Punch Stephen I mean." She clarifies and I sigh.

After finding out Harry is really Marcel I have a fair idea as to why he did it. But, it's not my place to say. Maybe he's coming back to start a fresh, not wanting people to know about his past. I chose my words carefully when answering, an urge to defend Harry igniting inside me.

"Dunno, he probably has his own reasons though. Guess they would have to pretty major too to hit him like that." I say and they both nod, thinking about the situation.

"Well at least you came out on top." Jenna says, her left eyebrow raised and mine knit together.

"How do you figure me to be lucky in a situation like this?" I question, my annoyance becoming thicker.

"Think about it." She starts and I stop walking, my attention being turned fully onto her. "He's super hot, clearly protective if needed and he's spending time at your house. You do math." She smirks as she continuously raises her eyebrows.

"Perhaps you need to go back a grade because when I do the math all I get is negatives, no positives at all." I tell her, she rolls her eyes at me in response.

"If you weren't such a constant downer then it wouldn't be such a problem. Who knows, you two might even start dating." She gushes.

"We're all entitled to our own opinions." Is all I say in response to her ridiculous remark. I then start walking again, being sure to be freed of the two girls I claim as my best friends.

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