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Chapter Eight || Riley's P.O.V

My slumber is brought to an end when pounding is heard on my door. I sit up in bed, waiting for my father's voice to announce that I need to get up for school but it never comes. Today, it is replaced by his footsteps stalking away.

Memories of what happened the other night start appearing, my memory refreshed. I let out a deep breath as I realise that this isn't going to be easy. Both my dad and I are very stubborn and will not apologise.

Yes, what I said may have been a little harsh, maybe even a little exaggerated, but it is how I've felt for so long.

Besides, my dad is in the wrong. He was being unreasonable. He was trying to hurt me in the worst way possible and that's not right.

He is my father. He is supposed to encourage me to do things, encourage me to never forget my mother, to never hold back. He's supposed to encourage me to move on and grow.

Maybe, we are both just as bad as each other but he is my father and what he did is unforgettable.

I slowly crawl out of bed, my ankle healing at a much faster pace than I had expected. I thought I wouldn't be able to hobble around on it for a good two weeks but I can manoeuvre with it now.

Of course, when I kick it on the side of my dresser I nearly collapse into a sobbing mess, but other than that, I'm fine. I grab my clothes and step into my bathroom. I turn the shower on before getting undressed. I get in carefully, my leg avoiding the water like the plague. Slowly, I sit down with my leg hanging out. I scrub my whole body, without wetting my bandage before getting out.

I dry myself before dressing myself. I pull on my fresh underwear followed by a fresh pair of jeans and a navy blue tee.

When I am finished, I stumble to my mirror. I simply brush my hair before tying it into a messy bun.

Today I had a nagging urge to wear makeup but, after a intense debate inside my head I decide against it.

I stumble back out to my room to put a pair of flats on before declaring that I am completely dressed.

I check my bag to make sure that I have everything before slinging it over my shoulders. I grab my phone from the charger, shoving it into my back pocket. Shoving my headphones into my front pocket I grab my crutches that Harry brought up to me yesterday before he left.

I make my way downstairs, careful not to slip and die on the steps. When I make it downstairs I grab my lunch, and a apple for breakfast, sitting at the table to eat. I pull out my phone and plug my headphones into my phone before putting them in my ears, playing music. I eat my apple before I head out of the house to the bus stop.

I place my phone in my front pocket so I have full control over my hands.

Getting into the bus revealed to be a challenge. Thankfully though, there were very little people on the bus.

-» -» -»

I was currently sitting at the lunch table, anticipating Jenna and Stella's arrivals. Stella joined me a little while later, simply sitting down with her lunch.

"How are you feeling today?" She asks and I shrug.

"Alright I guess. My foot's still throbbing though." I say and she nods, taking a biting out of her salad sandwich with tomato, cheese, lettuce and carrot.

We continue small talk, nothing really important to say. Moments later, Jenna rushes to us, a massive smile plastered on her face.

"Holy shit!" She shouts. A nearby teacher scolds her because of her choice of words, Jenna just waves him off though. "That had to be the best social studies class ever." She gushes as we takes a seat.

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