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Chapter Twenty-one || Riley's P.O.V

I look at my reflection, satisfied with the way my outfit had turned out. Jenna had told me about this party on tonight and I thought it was the best escape from my reality. I was dressed in a white, long-sleeved crop top, white jeans with rips in the knees and my old, white Converse. Jenna had told me to wear all white, so I was.

I walk out to find Harry positioned on the couch. A tight, white tee shirt clung to his body and dark grey jeans adorned his legs. We had argued for at least forty minutes over what's was going to wear. He claimed he didn't own white clothes however I found an old tee shirt hidden in the back of his closet. I also grabbed a pair of my brother's old white vans when I went home earlier today. But, I couldn't find white pants or jeans for him. Light Grey was the best I could do.

Going back to the house earlier today was horrible. My dad and I had another massive fight, my throat still tender from it. In the way home Stella had messaged me asking about Callum's wedding. I told her that I would speak to her on Monday. Even if she was there tonight I still didn't want to talk about it. Tonight was going to be my release. In the back of my mind though, I had the nagging voice that reminded me I needed to look for somewhere to live.

"You ready?" I ask Harry, ungracefully plopping on the couch. Harry's eyes lift from his phone.

"Yep." he says popping the 'p'.

"Let's go then." I smile as I rose from the lounge. We leave his place, locking the door on the way out before getting into his car.

Our first stop was McDonald's. Harry threatened that if I didn't eat something beforehand I wasn't going to drink. I ordered a chicken burger and a coke, Harry getting some fancy ass burger. He also bought us a 24 box of chicken nuggets. I don't think I had been so happy before.

I take my last few bites as Harry searches for a park. The house was massive, the street filled with cars. Harry finds a spot, pulling the car up before we get out. Harry grabs my hand protectively, guiding me toward the mansion.

I as we walk up the drive I see the windows had been blacked out, the only sound that was heard was the bass from the booming music. As we open the front door and walk in Shots and Squats by Vigiland was pouring through the speakers. As I look around I see all the bright colours illuminated by the neon lights. I look down, my outfit being lit up. I smile, eyes turning to look at Harry. He looks down at me, grinning at my reaction.

"C'mon, we'll get a drink." Harry suggests and I nod following him toward the kitchen. Eventually, we stumbled in being greeted by a bar with a guy in a bright yellow tee working, shaking different drinks. We walk over, Harry ordering me a coke and vodka.

"What about you?" I ask when he doesn't ask for a drink himself.

"Well, I've gotta look after you, Princess." he smiles, lips pecking my forehead. "Besides, I don't really like to drink around these fuckers." he adds, a small chuckle coming from me as I continue to sip through my straw.

Around two hours pass by, Harry ordering me a variety of different drinks. To say I was drunk would be an understatement. However, if Harry asked me, I was 'tipsy'. I don't think he was buying it though.

"You wanna dance?" I slur to Harry as I grab his large hand, dragging him toward the dance area before he had the chance to argue. When we arrive I stop, realising I wasn't a good dancer... especially like the way other girls were dancing.

Letting the alcohol control my movements and start swaying in front of Harry. I see other girls facing away from the guys, grinding the butts on the guy's crotch. Turning around I copy their actions. Harry's large hands latch on to my hips, gripping them tightly as he groans.

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