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Chapter Thirteen || Riley's P.O.V

"Hey Marcel." A croaky voice comes out of the small man before us. He had very distinguished features as to say that he was a disgusting man, radiating a dangerous vibe.

He had very few teeth, and the teeth that he did have were falling out, rotting terribly. The top parts of his teeth (not that there was much), where the tooth met the gum was an orange while it faded to a deep black.

He had stubble along his jaw. It was grey, speckles of white littering through it. His hair was shaven, grey also with white streaks in the side.

"It's Harry now." Harry growls through clenched teeth. Harry was pissed, even more so than when I watched him kick Jerry's arse. He looked as though he may kill this man if had the opportunity. This had to be the most pissed I had ever seen him.

"So ungrateful. Nothing new there. You never did appreciate what your mother and I provided for you." He smirks and I shudder. He was unbelievably creepy.

"You're not my father. A father would never do to their child what you did. Gem and I were lucky to get away from you." He growls, fists clenching onto the steering wheel. I reach over subtly, hand grasping Harry's upper thigh in a hopes to keep him calm.

I sneak a small peek at the man out the window, rage bottling up in his eyes as he looks at Harry. The thoughts of what would happen right now if these two were left in a private place alone with just each other fly around my head, each scenario making my skin crawl.

"Who's this bird?" I hear the man ask, his voice making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, not in a good way either.

"None of your fucking business." Harry replies, hand clasping over the top of mine instantly as a reassurance thing, clarifying that I was still there with him. That I hadn't been taken by the creep outside if this car.

"C'mon! Just a name." He pleads, a deceiving smirk playing on his lips.

"Her father's a cop." Harry announces abruptly. Perhaps it was an attempt to have the man, in which I figured to be Harry's father, leave me alone.

"Ok, good to know. Remember Paisley, boy. Her whole family were cops; mother, father, brother, yet look how that turned out, hmmm. Guess you just like the ones that seem protected huh?" He says, that evil smirk still dancing on his face. "Don't worry princess. You'll meet her soon enough." The man tells me and I shudder. What happened to this Paisley girl, and what relation did Harry have with her?

This is just more of the puzzle that is Harry Styles.

"Brian, fuck off. You better not lay a single hand on her. If I dare find out that you have I will kill you. No hesitation."

"Ah, so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?"

"I'm nothing like you." Harry growls deeply.

"Really? Well from what I heard you're not too much different. What was it... two boys sent to hospital, yeah? Sounds like something I'd do, hey?"

"Brian, we have nothing in common. I would never have done what you did to mum and Gem. Your psychotic." Harry argues, Brian filling with rage like he did before.

"Right, say what you will. Anyway, I gotta go my boy, how about we meet up for lunch tomorrow? It can be payback for what you did yesterday. Treating me like you didn't know me." he says and I frown. When did these two see each other yesterday? Harry was at school. Maybe that's why he blew me off. To deal with Brian. I may ask him about that later.

"You're even more deluded than I thought if you think I'm ever going near you willingly." Harry says to the man but Brian just rolls his eyes.

"Ok, it was nice meeting you..." He trails off, silently indicating for my name. I feel Harry's eyes burning into my soul from my peripheral vision, trying to warn me not to give any information to this scum of a man.

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