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Chapter Six || Riley's P.O.V

We finally stop the car, Harry stepping out first to help me out. He opens the door as I turn my body to face him, my legs hanging over the edge of the seat, our arms wrapping around each other like usual as I shuffle forward to jump out. I decide to leave my crutches behind for now, just wanting to get this lecture over with.

Harry carefully leads me out of the car, my feet gently hitting the ground. My father's features soften as he sees my condition, worry setting in.

He hastily rushes to me, hands resting on my shoulders as he looks from my ankle to my eyes, to my ankle, back to my eyes.

"Come inside. You have some explaining to do." He says and I merely nod, hobbling inside. Harry gently places me on the lounge, awkwardly lingering around. "Get to work boy." My dad demands, Harry huffing out a breath as he walks off. "So..?" He starts, the interrogation under way.

"It's not my special time." I say, a tiny smile playing on my lips in an attempt to lighten the mood, cutting some of the atmosphere but to my dismay, it seems to aggravate my father further, his nostrils flaring.

"Riley." He growls, seriousness the only thing his tone held. Not an ounce of humour in his demeanour.

"I rode Stardust." I mumble out hastily. I think I will slowly ease him into what happened, answering any of the questions I know are whirling around his over-active mind.

"What? When? Did you stay home just to do idiotic things with that.. that... delinquent?!" My father's voice booms the last part. Slowly, his voice became louder as he spoke.

"I rode Stardust. It was yesterday and turned bad. That's why I stayed home. Harry only did what he was supposed to and came by this afternoon. I couldn't go to school so he brought me my work. He also suggested that we go to the hospital." I explain, praying it is enough to satisfy my dad but knowing him for seventeen years I know better.

"What do you mean it went bad? What did you hurt? Are you ok now? Why would you even think it was a good idea to ride that god-for-saken horse?" His questions fly at me a million a minute.

"The horse got spooked by something in the trees, kicking me off. I fell off the back and when it lifted its back legs they landed on my ankle. I'm fine now though. My ankle is bruised and I need to go for a checkup in two days. I also have a few little bruises but other than that, I'm fine." I answer, silently begging it'll be enough, that I won't have to answer his final question.

"Riley, why would you do that? You haven't been on a horse in so long. Why get on one randomly? I wasn't even here to look after you."

"That's just it dad. I love horse riding, more than anything. Not only is it something that I enjoy, something that calms and frees me from all the crazy things that happen in this crazy reality, it's something I shared with mum. When I was on that horse it felt like a part of mum had returned. I know, it's not healthy to 'hold onto the past', but this is more than that. It's a remembrance of my mother. I'm not going to stop because she's not here anymore. That's not what she'd want." I explain to my father, my speech slowly being absorbed by him.

When I think he has comprehended all of that I add, "I don't need your permission dad. Nor do I need you to watch out for me. It's not like I did it alone. Harry was here. In fact, he was the one that convinced me that mum wouldn't want me to stop."

"What does that boy know about your mother? What do you know about her?" He starts as he shoots up out of his seat. I suck in a harsh breath, my mind already preparing itself for what is about to come. "Your mother wouldn't want you to do something that puts you in harms way. That boy talked you into it knowing the outcome already. He talked you into hurting yourself. He's an evil person. If he was capable of beating someone, why would he be any different toward you-"

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