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Chapter Seven || Riley's P.O.V

My eyes slowly draw open as the sound of a truck invades my ears. I slowly sit up, turning my head to the side in hopes to hear more clearly of what was happening. After listening for about fifteen minutes I come up short of ideas, no explanation as to why there would be a truck in our backyard. I decide that if I want answers I am going to have to get them myself.

I pull my quilt back, freeing my warm body as I stumble out of bed. Slowly, I stalk downstairs hoping not to stir the situation, faltering any chance I may have to figure out what is happening.

Finally, when I make it into the living room, the sound of the truck is clear. I look out the glass doors, into the yard and, as I suspected, a large truck is there. The engine roars loudly as it stays stationary.

I furrow my eyebrows as I walk to the door and slowly open it. When I step out I can here the slightest echoes of voices. I follow the sound that leads me to the other side of the massive truck. There stands three males; my dad and two other mysterious men.

As I open my mouth to ask what's going on my father speaks.

"Thanks for this Jim," he says to a man. He is bald and from this angle, it looks like he has a small beard.

"No worries Tom." He says as he pats my father's shoulder.

"So, what are we doing with them?" The other man says. He was a small man, very short and very skinny. He looked oldish, probably around 60.

"Well, that ones too old to use as meat so I don't care but that one is perfect." My dad says as he gestures to the horse field.

My eyes follow, discovering a small pile of red liquid. Tears prick my eyes as my throat grows dry, a lump forming in it. My chest aches and I find breathing almost impossible as all different thoughts rack my brain, none being anything positive.

I let my instincts kick in as I run to the paddock, my eyes witness something horrific, something I never wished was even possible.

On the ground laid Music. Her throat had been cut, dark red blood rushing out from the wound forming a river of blood. Stardust sat next to her, her head nudging her baby every so often.

I quickly dart over to the inevitably dead horse, kneeling next to her. Her blood soaks my pyjamas, but at this point, it is the least of my worries. I hesitantly reach my hand out, eventually placing it on Music's head. The tears were in full flow now, no chance in stopping as I feel my heart being ripped from my chest.

It wasn't quick either, not a short sharp pain. But rather it was slow, every movement torturous. Slowly, my dad had clenched my heart, twisting and pulling until it came loose. Then, he pulled it out. Of course, that pain was not nearly equivalent to what I was feeling so he stabbed me many, many times, metaphorically that is. Not only in my chest but in my back too. My dad stabbed me in the back.

I know he said that he was going to get rid of the horses but is this really what he meant. To kill Music not only in front of her mother but in front of me!

"What have you done!?" I cry over my shoulder as I look back. My father begins his walk over to me as I turn my head away. I hear his feet crunching on the gravel as he nears me.

"I told you I was going to get rid of them. Riley, I don't want you getting hurt anymore. Music is being sold to a butcher and I don't know what's going to happen to Stardust." My father says, no remorse in his voice at all. "It's a no good horse anyway." He spits.

"You are a sick human being." I sneer. My anger and hurt getting the best of me as I spit in his face.

Just as my dad pounces on me I wake up.

I sit up hastily, my eyes frantically scanning the dark room. Tears fill my eyes, previous ones already fallen, a sticky trail staining my cheeks and water marks on my tee being the only evidence.

My breathing was erratic, my breaths coming out uneven as I tried to calm down. I wipe the sweat that had formed on my head off, my other hand holding my chest as I regain myself.

Needing reassurance, I decide to check on the horses. I rush out of bed, completely forgetting about my injury. I collapse to the ground, yelping in pain.

I push myself off the ground, determined to see the horses. I stumble down the stairs and outside, dragging myself over to the paddock as quick as I could muster. Both Music and Stardust stood there, both unaffected and uninjured.

I smile gladly at the pair, my pain and agony washing away.

I decide to get a drink after seeing that Stardust and Music were alright. I shuffle into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water before heading back upstairs.

I return to my bed, my mind still racing from the horrible dream. That had to be the worst nightmare I have ever experienced.

Slowly, I drift off to sleep again.

• • • •
Ok, so this originally wasn't here. I forgot to add it so yeah. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

I know that it's short but it was just supposed to show the effects they Riley's dad had on her.

Thank you so much!! :) xx love you!!

Published: 13th March 2017
Edited: 27th March 2017

All rights of this story are reserved for 1d_minnion.

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