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Chapter Twenty || Riley's P.O.V

The fury in his dark eyes sent chills down my spine, the fear of what was to come next setting in. I could feel the rumble on Harry's chest as he tried to talk to me but I couldn't fall out of the stance that I was in. My whole being was consumed with fear.

As my eyes started to fill with tears I ran out of the tent-like area. Sobs began to rack my body as I found my self standing on the pavement. I sobbed shamefully, bringing my hands to my face to try and block out my cries.

How could I have been so reckless? How could I have forgotten that he was here?!

I heard the sound of fast footsteps, someone running toward me. I dropped to the ground, the fear making my knees give in. I don't have to look up to know that Harry was the person that was here with me. No words were spoken, he just wrapped my body in his arms, rocking his body in a soothing manner.

"Calm down, baby. Shh, it'll be alright, I promise." he told me, his words barley being able to soothe my emotional state.

I don't even know why I was acting the way I was. I knew my dad would find out eventually. Did I think it would be something like this? No, of course not. I had planned to tell him when or if Harry and I dated. If he had been more accepting of other life chooses that I had made perhaps I would have told him sooner.

"I'm sorry I am acting ridiculously. I don't even know why I'm crying. It's not even that bad." I say as I wipe the teary mascara from my red, blotchy cheeks.

"What even happened? I mean, I know I'm a bad dancer but I didn't think you would react like that." he jested in an attempt to make me feel better about the problem that he didn't even know was.

"Dad saw us." I whispered to him, fingers still trying to dry my stained skin.

"So? Love, you know that if I had to I could handle him. There's nothing that he could really do anyway." Harry says, his realistic words calming my erratic heart rate.

As I open my mouth to say 'thank you' I hear the harsh sound of stomping boots heading toward us. Turning my head, I am met with the unpleasant look of disappointment on my father's old features.

"Riley!" he says, voice booming making me jolt slightly. "What is going on?!" his voice was deafening, scaring me a little.

"N-nothing," I stutter, not one bit surprised that I had no confidence. When my dad was angry he was terrifying. "We were just dancing." I explain. It may have been a lie, but it wasn't a big lie and who was it going to hurt?

"Are you fucking kidding me?! " he asks, the tone of his voice not faltering. "I thought I had raised you to not hang around delinquents like him!" My chest ached at the way my father spoke so poorly of Harry.

"Don't talk about him like that." I mumble.

"Just back off." Harry's voice adds to the conversation that we were having.

"You stay out of this boy." My father seethes, not accepting anything that Harry had to say.

"Leave her alone then. It's her life and she can live it the way she wants to. She doesn't need you to constantly tell her what's right and what's wrong, what she should and shouldn't do with her life." Harry fights, pissed by the way my father had been treating me. He shouldn't be worried and focused on me, he should be defending himself from the way my father spoke about him.

Harry rose from the sitting position that we were both still in, showing my dad the authority that he held and proving that he wasn't scared or going to back down.

"She is my daughter and she will do what I tell her to do. And I promise that she won't be running around with you for much longer." he says. Harry takes a step forward, not feeling an ounce of intimidation from my father.

"Yeah? How are you going to stop her? By telling her to? Sorry, buddy, but I don't think she'll listen to you. The only thing you will hear is her screams as I thrust into her." his words shocked me, fear setting in for my father's reaction. I hadn't even slept with Harry before so it was even more surprising to hear those words fall from his mouth.

Just as thought my dad was going to shoot another nasty and spiteful comment toward Harry, I am taken aback when his closed fist connects with the side of Harry's face. The sound that follows is heart wrenching.

My wide eyes focus on Harry, his demeanour shifting to anger. I knew that wasn't going to end well. Harry's body tensed up, the muscles tightening under his skin as he clenched his fist. His eyes darken too, rage filling them. Before my father can even register what is happening a fist lands on his nose, thrusting up creating a cracking-grinding sound.

As my father's head drops from the force of contact I see a thick red liquid already oozing down from his nose, the sight pulling on my heart.

Even though my father had been a complete douchè he was still my father and I didn't want to see him in pain. However, before I can do anything dad and Harry are launching themselves at one mother, neither wanting to surrender and give in to the other.

The sound of dislocating and cracking bones surrounds the area, grunts and groans adding to the sound effects. As I sit back watching them fight I see bruises already forming in the top of their skin, gashes oozing blood.

"Stop!" I cry, wanting the fight to be over before anything really bad happens. I managed to stand from my sitting position trying to stop the fight as I cry out for them to stop. My efforts went unnoticed as they continuously pounded each other.

"What's going on?!" My brothers voice yells. I look up to see a confused yet angry Callum surveying the situation.

"Help me! They won't stop!" I say as tears leak down my face.

Callum rushes over to help me pull apart the two men. I grab Harry while Callum contained dad. Harry abruptly shakes me off, turning around with a look of pure evil in his eyes. I jump back as the fear that he was going to hurt me hits me. His eyes soften, regret filling them instead.

"Riley, I'm sorry." he says and I shake my head.

"Fuck you!" my dad says, spitting blood out. "You get you things and leave my house!" he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I grumble.

"Perhaps you should all go." Callum says, agitated and exhausted by the event. We had ruined his wedding day for him, and I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault.

"Callum, I am so sorry." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"Just... leave." I nod grabbing Harry and helping him to the car even though I know he could have down it on his own.


So I had written this and another chapter but when I went online it all disappeared so I had to re-write them.

Nevertheless, this chapter turned out so much better the 2nd time haha. There was no fight scene in the first one.... I am also going to change the next chapter because I thought it was a little boring and pointless.

Thanks my precious. xxx

Published: 13th September 2017

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