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Chapter Nine || Riley's P.O.V

I lead Harry into the nurses office. When I open the door she is just sitting at her desk, a magazine set in her hands. She looks up at us, her expression turning to worry as she rushes to me.

"Are you ok dear? Did you bump it?" She asks referring to my ankle. I shake my head, a small smile on my lips.

"Er, no. I'm fine. My friend's knuckles are busted." I say as I move my head toward Harry.

"Oh, ok. Well take a seat dear." She says as she ushers Harry to a chair. Harry sits down as the nurse gathers her things.

With a wet rag, she washes the blood away, clearing the wounds. They were surrounded by bruising, small cuts littering all the skin over his knuckles. On his middle knuckle, the cut was bigger, the whole knuckle bleeding.

"What happened?" The nurse asks, not looking at Harry as she concentrates on his wounds.

"Er.." He trails off, not sure what to say. Something must come over him as he explains his injuries. He must've realised that's there's no point in trying to hide what happened. Everyone saw him, they all know what happened.

"I was in a fight." He says. The lady furrows her eyebrows as she looks up. She doesn't say anything, just looks at Harry disapprovingly.

She gets the alcohol pads and rubs them over Harry's knuckles, warning him it my sting a bit. Harry winces as the cloth is slowly dabbed onto each one of his fresh cuts.

"Ok, I'm going to put this on," she says holding up some cream. "It will stop infections." She clarifies before rubbing it onto a pad. She places the pad on the wound before wrapping it with a bandage. Before she has time to wrap his hand though, she receives a call.

"Hello, nurse's office." She says into the phone. Someone tells her something before she pointlessly nods. "Right, ok. I'll be right there." She says, hanging up the phone. Grabbing a small first aid kit from the cupboard she turns to us. "I've got to go, repair your victim I think." She say dashing out the room. Before she leaves she's asks if I can finish wrapping Harry's hand which I gladly do.

As I balance in front of him, wrapping his hand I can feel his eyes on me but I don't dare to look up. Instead, I just continue to wrap before asking a lingering question.

"Why do you keep doing this Harry?" I ask through a sigh.

"They beat me-"

"I know, and I get that. What I don't understand is why you're doing this to them. This just makes you just as bad as them."

"Riley, I don't expect you to understand." He sighs as he stands. "Look," he closes his eyes, contemplating on what to say next. "You've never been where I am, and if you had, you'd understand. You'd understand that I need them to pay, I need them to understand what they did to me, see what they did to me.. feel what they did to me." He says leaving the room. I just stand still, not sure what my next move should be.

I hear the bell ring and decide that I might as well get my stuff and go to class.

I step back into the classroom, gathering all my belongings and shoving them into my bag heading to Geometry.

-» -» -»

Just as I manoeuvre into my last class of the day, a voice over the speaker grabs mine and surrounding people's attention.

"Can everyone please meet in the auditorium." The voice says, everyone sighing as they change their routes to toward the auditorium.

I finally hobble over to the auditorium and walk in. Many students fill the area. I look around the seats seeing the only available ones are in the middle. I spot a vacant seat next to Jenna but she is dead smack in the middle. I sigh as I start my journey to the middle.

"Where are you going, love?" Mr Hart asks. He was one of the cutest teachers ever. Like, he was probably like early twenties and was gorgeous.

"Erm, I was going to sit down?" I ask rather than tell.

"Up there? No. Sydney, move up the back more. Take your friends too if you want but Riley needs to sit at the front. She's in crutches." Mr Hart says.

"Thanks," I say as I sit down.

"Thank you students." The principal, Mrs Bartley says. "Now, there is something I would like to address; fighting. That is why you are all sitting here. As many of you are aware, during class hours there was a brawl between two students. I would like to make each of you aware that this behaviour will not be tolerated. The student who initiated the fight has been suspended for one week. Should their behaviour continue when they return, they will be expelled. Although I'm very upset with this student, another student's behaviour was even more disgusting. One student was bouncing from classroom to classroom, alarming people of the fight."

The students snicker, clearly already aware of this. "They were not trying to stop the fight, but rather, find spectators. This will also not be tolerated, that student receiving one weeks suspension also. I'm very disappointed to say that only one student had the decency to break up the fight. The victim is now in terrible condition. Severe bruising, cuts covering their face and even a broken noise, permanently out of place."

The kids snicker again, others gasping.

"The victim has been put in hospital for the time being. If any more of this behaviour continues, more students will become suspended. If this behaviour starts to increase, more people doing it, then the punishment will be instant dismissal, expelled on the spot. Thank you," she finishes, leaving the auditorium as we are left to absorb the new information.

Harry really did that much damage to Jerry?

Well, he did kind of deserve it...

• • • •


Look out! Another chapter!

Hello there! To whoever is reading this, you are just one of the most beautiful human beings in the world and, even if I don't know your name, you mean the absolute world to me. Thanks for reading not only the book, but also my weird little notes. :) Love you to the moon and back dumpling!

Also, I am sorry about the length. I have an excuse!!!

So, I want to dedicate the next chapter to my next idea right. So if I started it in this then it wouldn't have worked, ok? Ok.

This chapter was mainly just to explain Jerry's injuries. :)

Thanks though. I love you thiiiiiiiiiis much!! \(•_•)/ xxx

Also, I just wanted to say that I have been editing this (at a very slow pace), but I only edit the actual story, not the author's notes. :) thanks! xx

Published: 13th March 2017
Edited: 13th March 2017

*I added in a new chapter that I forgot to post earlier. It's chapter 6 now.

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