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Chapter Two || Riley's P.O.V

I sigh as I close my maths textbook. I had finally tipped over the edge, not having any more energy to keep studying.

I throw myself on my bed, thinking of what to do now. I bite my lip in thought and decide to get some dinner.

I roll out of bed and make my way downstairs. Dad was working late and I wasn't all that hungry so I decided on simply making a toasted sandwich with ham, cheese and tomato.

When they are finished I grab my plate and make my way back upstairs to watch a little telly while I eat. Once I have eaten my meal I place my plate on my side table and throw all my books onto my dresser, crawling back into bed. I fluff my pillow before snuggling into it, the sensation pulling a faint smile on my lips.

Just as my body started to drift out of consciousness my phone rings loudly. I groan as I forgot to put 'do not disturb' on. I roll over looking at my lock screen, Stella's name flashing on the screen. I was still slightly annoyed from our earlier interaction and now it was growing.

I hit the answer button, my tone frustrated as I answer in a groggy voice. "Hello?" I say through the receiver. I pull away to look at the time. 2:30am. She was ringing me at 2:30am!

As I place the device back against my ear I can hear how frantic it is on the other end. "There's been a fight. I-I don't know what to do! Your dad took whoever it was and told us to go home." She pauses in order to catch her breath before she continues. "Can you come and pick up me and Jenna?" She asks, already knowing that I wont be too thrilled on the idea. I sigh frustratedly.

"Fine." I say sharply. I step out of bed and walk to my dresser. "Where are you?" I ask with the phone pressed between my ear and shoulder as I pull on a bra under my shirt.

"Mika's." she answers quickly, more than aware of how I was feeling.

"Ok, I'll be there soon." I hang up before Stella gets the chance to reply. Clutching my phone I go downstairs and grab the keys to dad's pickup.

Twenty minutes later I was pulling into her driveway. I stop outside the house and see a few people still standing around with cups clasped in their hands. I shake my head at the moronic people as I look for Stella and Jenna. I see them sitting on the grass out the front of the house, Blake sitting with them.

"C'mon." I say, all three heading toward the car before I stop them. "Hang on. I agreed to two people, not three."

"Please Riley? He'll only be going to my place." Stella pleads and I close my eyes, exhaling deeply. She's really pushing me tonight.

"Whatever." I snap getting back in the car and starting it. Stella and Blake get in the back while Jenna jumps in the front.

I go to Stella's first, not wanting to be trapped with her any longer.

During the quiet drive to Jenna's I can't help myself but ask questions, my curiosity getting the best of me. "So," I start, "who was fighting?" I wonder.

"Oh, ok, so you know the new guy, Harry?" She asks for reassurance and I nod slowly, my eyes glued to the road ahead of me even though I can feel Jenna's eyes on me. "Right, so, he was talking to Stephen, god knows what about when out of nowhere he punches him in the face. Like right near his temple, knocking him to the ground." Jenna explains, a giggle falling off her lips.

I process the new information, my thoughts racing with what might have happened to aggravate Harry to do such a thing. Maybe nothing happened and Harry just has anger issues. Or maybe Stephen had done things to him previously. The possibilities are endless.

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