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Chapter Twelve || Riley's P.O.V

I wake up as my alarm goes off, rolling around in my bed. I groan, not wanting to get up today. I sit up, picking up my phone, checking to see if anyone had texted me overnight.

Surprisingly there was a text from Harry. Eager to see what he had to say, I unlock my phone.

Harry:- Sorry I wasn't there. Something came up.

I frown, thinking of possibilities in which Harry could have had to deal with. There's nothing that I can think of though.

Me:- Yeah, don't worry.

I'm not going to lie I was a little annoyed about what Harry did and I was also a little curious about what he had to do, so, I decided to ask.

Me:- What came up??

I bite my lip, wondering if I should have even said anything.

Harry:- Don't worry.

Shit, I think I made him angry.

Me:- Sorry, just curious.

Harry:- I'm sorry.

Harry:- Let's go for a drive. To make it up to you.

Me:- Yeah, ok.

I lock my phone before crawling out of bed. I make my way to the bathroom jump into the shower, rinsing my body.

When I get out I pull on my light grey ripped jeans and a white button up. I pull on my black Converse. I decide that I will just brush my hair before adding a little makeup. Just simple foundation and a thin layer of mascara.

I hear Harry's car pull up as I squirt my perfume on, 'Meow' by Katy Perry. I grab my wallet and phone dashing downstairs.

I rush outside and jump into Harry's car. "Hi," I greet as I buckle in.

"Hey, Riley. Look, I'm sorry about yesterday." He explains and I nod.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh, my eyes concentrating on my fiddling hands. "Hey, it's no big deal. I mean, it was just a lift." I say as I weakly smile at him.

"I know, I just-... I'm sorry." He says actually looking ashamed.

"So, what are we doing for you to make it up to me?" I wonder and Harry smiles, clearly grateful for changing the subject.

"I was thinking we go get waffles." He says and I nod.

"Sounds good."

The drive goes by quickly before we are stopping in the car park of a Waffle House. We get out, walking in side by side. I am surprised as Harry opens the door for me to walk inside.

There were very few people inside, making me feel better that I won't have to see many people. The fresh smell of warm waffles invades my nostrils, my smile growing.

We take a seat in at a table instantly grabbing our menus. I order chocolate waffles with cream while Harry orders vanilla and choc-chip with maple syrup.

Harry orders a coffee with his while I get a honey tea. While we wait, my eyes fix into the window nearby.

We get out food soon after and we both dig in, enjoying the amazing flavours. As we eat, the silence is killing me for I thought it to be the best opportunity to ask Harry about why he bailed on me yesterday.

I know that I already mentioned it earlier when we texting and he got upset, but I felt like I had the right to know what happened.

"So, Harry..." I start as I look up at him briefly, noticing his eyes were already transfixed on me. Feeling as though having his eyes on me was too much pressure so I looked back at my fork as I slice into the waffles.

"Um, I was wondering... why did you ditch yesterday? Like what happened?" I ask still playing with my food. "I mean, you don't have to tell me, I just thought that maybe I had the right to know." I whisper. I can't help as I jump a little sun I hear the clashing of Harry's fork on the glass of his plate.

"Riley..." he growls clearly agitated at my persistence.

"Harry, it's a simple question that I think I deserve an answer to, don't you think?" I say dropping my own utensils as I fiddle with my hands in my lap.

"Don't you think it's none of your fucking business?!" He says in a dark voice.


"No! For fuck sake! I can have my own fucking life, one that you or your father sit need to know about. Get it?" He says and I feel the tears brining my.

"O-ok." I stutter.

"C'mon, let's go." He says throwing money in the table. I sigh as I get up from my chair.

We get back into Harry's car, Harry starting the engine and takin off before I even got the chance to buckle in.

As we continue down the road, Harry starts acting weird. "Fuck." He says as he looks out the window. I look out and see a ragged man looking at the car, a smirk on his face. "Riley, get down. Now!" Hard orders and I frown.

"Why?" I wonder.

"Jeez, just do as I tell you." He orders and I fold my arms across my chest.

"Tell me why Harry!" I order and he sighs, looking at me worriedly.

"Please, get down." He says and this time I listen, bending down.

We get around the corner before Harry piles over. I sit up looking at Harry worriedly. "Harry, what's going on? Please tell me?"

"My father, he's a bad person and I don't want him knowing that you even exist." He says and I frown. Just as I open my mouth to ask for clarification, I notice Harry looking in the mirror. I look back to see the same man rushing toward Harry's car.

Suddenly, before either Harry or I have time to react, Harry's door is swung open revealing a shaggy man.

"Hey, Marcel."

... ... ...

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have a very valid reason, ok? I don't know if you were aware but there was a cyclone that hit the east coast of Australia, Debbie, and I was in the middle of it and we lost power in which we still don't have and my phone's playing up so yeah. But I'm fine and my family is all good so yeah. Thanks for being patient!! :) xx

Published: 5th April 2017

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