Chapter Twenty-Five: Broken

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Chapter Twenty-Five


I walk out into the road, gravel crunching beneath my feet. The wind blows hard and I look up to see nothing but a brush of trees and Walkers. I place my hand on my gun and continue walking. The gravel soon turns into dirt and the dirt turns into grass and twigs. I pull out my gun and see a Walker look up at me. It starts limping towards me and I fire and shoot it in the head. Another comes to me and I shoot it, too. More and more come and more and more fall. There is only one more left and I do not have anymore bullets. I run to it and pass it. I turn my back to face it.

"Hey!" I yell at it.

It comes to me and reaches out its arms to me but I back away. I am trying and lead it to somewhere where I can kill it.

I hear a shot go off and the Walker in front of me falls. Before I can look back, a hand covers my mouth and nose. The hand is holding a cloth and I breath before I know what it is. It is too late now.

"You shouldn't play with these things, kid." The male voice says before I blank out.

When I awake, I am sitting in a chair, tied to it by my feet and hands. The room I am in is small. The floors are wood and the walls are white. I see a medical tray a few feet away from me. It is silver and empty.

"Help!" I yell. I try to pull out my hands but it is too tight. "Help!" I yell and someone opens the door.

A man walks in. He is very tall and muscular. He has brown hair with white streaks in it. His clothes are weathered and torn.

"What's your name, kid?" he asks me.

"I won't tell you unless you tell me where I'm at." I rush.

The man chuckles and pulls out a cloth roll. It is big and must have something inside. He rolls it out on the medical tray but I cannot see because of his body. He moves to the side and faces me. My eyes shoot to the tray. There are scissors, a syringe, pliers, a knife, a scalpel and something I do not know the name of. I look at him and he is smiling at me.

"Kid, I don't wanna hurt you. But, if you don't tell me what I want, I'm gonna have to." He says in a raspy voice. "Now, I'm gonna ask you one last time. What's your name?"

"Carl. Carl Grimes." I say.

He smirks and asks, "Grimes, huh? we have got a Grimes in our presence. Now, Carl, where's your daddy?"

"Do you know him?" I ask.

"Where is your daddy, Carl?" he asks more strained and frustrated.

"I'm not saying." I tell him. He laughs and places his hand on the medical table.

"Are you sure about that?" he asks.

"Positive." I say. He grabs a knife and rushes to me, putting the knife to my neck.

"Where is your daddy?" he asks.
I breath hard and close my eyes. He can't kill me.

"He's at a camp." I tell him. He pulls the knife away from my neck and puts it on the tray. He grabs the scalpel and plays with it.

"Where, son?" he asks.

"I'm not saying unless you tell me why I am here and why you want to know this!" I yell at him. He walks to me and shows me the scalpel.

"You know, this can cut through your skin if I barley touch you. Imagine if I actually tried." He says. He puts the scalpel hovering over my cheek bone and smiles.

"Are you gonna tell me?" he asks.
I stay quiet. After a few seconds he places the scalpel on my cheek bone and glides it across my face. Warm blood stream from the cut.

"Now?" he asks. This time when I stay quiet, he places the scalpel on my neck and glides it harder in a line, as if he was going to slit my throat. I gasp from pain and I feel the blood come out. He walks to the tray and places the scalpel down. He he grabs the syringe.

"Maybe after this, you'll tell me everything." He says. He stabs the syringe hard into my neck, where the cut is, and I scream through gritted teeth. He pulls it out once he injected me and my eyes begin to spot with black and red. Everything becomes dizzy and blurry and I soon black out again.

I see Lizzie and Bailey and my dad. They are standing next to each other. A man with no face walks close to them and walks behind my dad. He pulls out a knife and slits his throat wide open.

"No!" I yell.

I try and run to them but there is a glass wall separating us. The man grabs Bailey and shoots Lizzie. I try to look away but I can't. It's as if some on we're holding my face to them. The man takes Bailey in one hand and holds a knife in the air and swings it to her. The knife stabs her in the stomach and the man pulls it out. He repeatedly stabs her everywhere on her body. I fall to the ground and place a hand on the glass. I finally look back, in tears, and see my mom standing behind me. A gash in her stomach. She blinks her eyes and when they open again, her eyes are of a Walkers. Her skin is now rotten and she limps to me. I grab a gun and aim it to her.

"I've done this once and I can do it again." I tell myself.

I shoot the bullet and it flys through her head. She falls to the ground and I drop the gun.

I awake, gasping for air and I see more men in the room, laughing, drinking, smoking. The same man from before walks up to me.

"Do you wanna tell me now? Or will I actually have to kill your daughter?" he asks.

"Terminus! He's at Terminus." I say. He smiles and pats my head.

"Don't hurt them!" I yell.

"I won't." He says. He unties my hands and feet and when I try to stand up, I fall to the ground. Other men gather around me. One kicks me in my rib cage and I gasp. Others join in and soon, from all the pain, I go numb. I close my eyes and try to picture Lizzie. I can't die. She needs me. I need her.

"Stop!" the familiar man says. "We want him alive, remember?"

The men walk away and the same man picks me up. He takes me outside of the room, which is woods. I look back to see that they have camouflaged their camp to match the woods. He takes me to the railroad tracks. The other men follow us. He throws me into the tracks, my head hitting the metal bar. My throat bleeds more and I gasp for air.

"Lead the way, son. And don't even try to mislead us." He man says. I crawl a step and stand up.

"That way." I say and point back to where their house is. We walk and walk and I trip a few times but get back up. We are soon at the fences of Terminus.

Dead LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora