Chapter Ten: Dead Part 1

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Chapter Ten


"Carl." My dad says from behind me. I keep walking and ignore him.

"Carl." He says again. He repeats my name one more time and each time he says it, it sounds more like he is saying 'coral'.

"Carl. Stop!" He says. I stop and he limps to me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks me.

"I left her there. And now she's dead." I tell him.

"Judith is fine." He says.

"I'm not talking about Judith. I'm talking about Lizzie. I told her I would come back for her but I didn't. Now she's dead." I tell him.
I walk off again. After a few seconds, I hear the sound of his feet shuffle on the dirt. We keep walking and enter a small town. We reach a liquor store. I pull out my gun and aim it to the shut door. My dad does the same and opens the door. We walk in and clear it. We lower our guns but aim them again when we find a fort of chairs stacked on top of each other. I kneel down to get a note that is on the floor.

It reads: finish what I couldn't do.

I drop it and see my dad looking at me. A Walker comes out of a closet but can't get past the chairs.

"We lead it out. Okay?" My dad says. I nod. He walks to the chairs and makes an exit. The Walker lunges at my dad. He is wounded and can't hold too much weight. He struggles so I shoot the Walker. It falls to the floor.

"What happened to the plan?" My dad asks.

"Let's go." I say. I walk out of the store since there is nothing there. My dad follows me and we keep walking. We enter a street with a few houses on either side of the street. We decide on the house that's first. We open the door and clear it. I go into the hallway. I lower my gun.

"Hey. Keep your guard." My dad whispers. I turn around and look at him.

"Hey asshole!" I yell and start banging on the wall, "Hey shitface!"

"Watch your mouth." He strikes.

I laugh and say, "Are you kidding me? If there were any in here they would've come out by now."

I walk up the stairs and enter a room with blue and green walls. It's a pretty nice room. I turn around and see a flat screen T.V. with a stack of video games and an Xbox. I chuckle and look through the games. Wait, no more kid stuff. I have to be a man. I toss the video games to the floor and unhook the T.V. and grab the cord. I run down the stairs and to the front door. I tie the door knob to the window hook as my dad tries to push the couch to the door.

"Can you help me?" He asks.

"Do you not think it'll hold?" I ask him. "It's a slip knot. Shane taught it to me. Remember him?" I ask.

"I remember him everyday." He says.

I go to him and I push the couch with him.


"Eat." My dad tells me and throws me a bag of cereal.

"We should save it." I tell him.

"You haven't eaten in days now eat." He demands and leaves the living room.

I am now left sitting on the wood floor leaning against the couch. I grab the bag of cereal and put it in our food bag. I sigh and decide to take a moment to rest. Lizzie is dead and so is Judith. I couldn't save her. I mean, I could've, but I didn't. Why didn't I just take her with me when I saw her in the cell block? I'm so stupid.

The day goes by fast and soon it's dark out. My dad sleeps on the couch blocking the door and I sleep on a mattress in the living room. I dream of seeing Lizzie and Judith dying. But then, I see them alive. Surviving the attack.

I wake up in the morning and see my dad is still asleep. I grab the bag of cereal and walk into the kitchen. I grab a few bowls and pour myself a bowl. There isn't any milk, of course, so I eat it dry. I pour my dad a bowl for when he wakes up. I head up the stairs to the room where the big T.V. is and lie on the kids bed. I read a book as I finish my bowl of cereal. When I'm done, I am about halfway through the book. I decide to go downstairs to check on my dad.

I walk down and see him still asleep on the couch.

"Dad," I sigh, "Get up now." I walk to him and shake his leg. I grab ahold of his shoulder and shake him again.

"Dad." I say. I shake him again but he doesn't respond.

"Dad? Wake up." I tell him. I shake him more violently.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I yell at him. I hear movement but not from him. I look to the door and see the door start to shake and I hear the moans. I grab my gun and walk out through the back door. I approach the moans and see two walkers. I scoff.

"Hey." I say to them,"Over here." I say. They turn to me and start to walk over to me.

"Come on. That's it. Follow me." I say and start to walk back wards.
I lead them down the road.

"Hey, keep your eyes right here. That's it." I say. I lead them to an old R.V. park. They are about five feet away from me and I turn my head to see another Walker limping towards me. I curse under my breath and look at all three of them. I push the one behind me back and try to deal with the two in front of me. One collapses over me. I shoot it in the head and so does the other but it's still "alive". The one that was behind me falls on me. I shoot my gun and shoot one in the head. I shoot again but hit one in the neck then in the head. I pant and push them off. I stand up and put my gun in my belt. I puke at their stench and I am once again with an empty stomach.

I walk out of the R.V. park and end up in the street. I smile and walk up to a house. On my way to the front door, I grab a front yard light out of the ground to use as a weapon. I run and slam into the door to try and open it. I fall to the ground and lie there.

"Damn it" I sigh.

I stand up and use the light to un lock the door. I walk inside and clear the house. I go up the stairs and I clear all of the rooms. I walk back downstairs and search the kitchen. I find nothing but a 112 ounce tub of chocolate pudding. I grab a spoon and go to the living room. I am starving so I don't really care what I eat.


Hey guys this is part 1 of chapter ten. Sorry I didn't post this weekend I was busy. Anyways here you go!!! Vote, comment, and share.


Dead LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora