Chapter Thirty-one: Finding Her

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Chapter thirty one


The fire is warming. The night sky is dark and full of stars. I'm sitting alone. Carl is taking a walk. We haven't even spoken since we left. I hate it being this way. I miss him. I miss Kyla, too. A lot.

I lie down and rest my head on my jacket. I close my eyes and dream of Mika.

"Wake up." I hear a voice say. I open my eyes and see Carl leaning over me. He stands up and grabs our backpack. I sit up and put on my jacket. I stand up and follow him.

I run a little to catch up to him.

"How much longer do you think we have until we get to DC?" I ask him. He looks at me and then back to where he was originally looking.

"About three days." He says.

"I'm sorry about your dad." I say.

"It's fine." He says.

"What do you think he meant by saying that they are blind or something like that." I ask.

"Isn't it obvious? They are blind. They can just hear us. Talking is just going to slow us-" he says but I stop him. I wrap my arms around him and we stop walking.

"I love you." I say. His hands slowly make his way up to the small of my back and he hugs me.

A scream sounds off in the distance and we release each other. He pulls out his gun and grabs my arm. He starts to run away from the scream and drags me with him.

"Carl!" I say. He ignores me and continues running. The scream sounded like it came from a young female. We have to go back and see what happened. "Carl, we have to go back!" I yell. He tightens his grip on my wrist and runs faster. I stop running and yank my hand out of his grip and run to where the scream came from.

"Lizzie!" I hear him yell but I keep running. I run and run until I see her. Her brown hair is messy and there is dried blood on her. Her clothes are dirty and torn and she is shaking. I run to her and kneel down to look her in the face.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. She lifts up her head and looks at me with her emerald eyes. She has a cut on her lip and she starts to cry. I pick her up and carry her back to Carl.

"Who is she?" he asks. I sit down with her and take her hair out of her face. She is very skinny. Her cheek bones pop out a little.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Mia." She says. Her voice is faint and sounds like she is about to cry.

"We have to take her. To DC. We'll leave her there once we return." I say to Carl. He nods and we start to walk again.


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