Chapter Thirty-Five: Only the Begining

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It's been four months after the CDC have created the vaccine. I am now back at Terminus with Carl and I am reunited with Kyla.

It turns out that Kyla has asthma. During the time that Carl and I were gone, Carol and Gareth and Mary started to notice that Kyla was having trouble breathing. She almost died...

Everything is back to normal between Carl and I. We have already taken the vaccine shots and are safe. They have already tested the vaccine and it really works. We brought back bottles of it for everyone to take here at Terminus.

I understand that this whole epidemic isn't over yet. We still have a world full of walkers to kill. But, I have my daughter, and Carl. And, to me, that is all that should ever matter in this world.

I love them all. And things are only going to be getting better.

This is the end of Dead Love. I hope you have enjoyed the ride.

I love you all


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