Chapter Twenty-Three: Many Names

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Chapter Twenty-Three


I stare at the picture in my hands. Mika is standing next to me and my mother is holding me in her arms. My dad is standing in the back with a big smile on his face. My mother was five months pregnant before the disease spread. She lost him when she fell down a hill. She became depressed after that. She didn't even have the will to fight off Walkers. That's how she died. My dad couldn't help us much after that. He got bit but hid it from Mika and I. Then, he started to turn. I shot him and that is when Caleb found Mika and I. He took us to his camp with all of the other men.

I miss Mika.

"I'm so stupid." I say to myself.

I look down to my stomach. It is now bigger than it was a week ago. I have two more months to go. Carl walks into the room and I shove the picture under my pillow.

"Hey." I say.

He smiles and sits next to me.

"We have to discuss something." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Names." He says.

"For her?" I ask.

"Yes." He says.

"I haven't really thought of names."

"I haven't either."

"My aunts name was Carline." I laugh.

"Really?" He says sarcastically.

"I've always liked Kayla." I say.

"That seems too overdone. Just like Emily." He says.


"But, I like the name starting with a K." He says.

"I do too."

"I like the ends of names with an A." I tell him.

There is a brief moment of silence.

"Kyla." He blurts out and laughs.

"I really like that."


"Yeah." I laugh.

My nose starts to tingle as I fight tears threatening to spill over.

"Kyla . . . what?" He asks.

"Bailey Grimes." I blurt.

"Kyla Bailey Grimes?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Okay. It's settled." He stands up.

"I have to go help out with my dad. I'll be back." He says.

He walks out and I let the tears from my eyes spill. I sob and cover my face.

Kyla Bailey Grimes


I walk around and try to find Gareth or Devin. Mostly Gareth. I approach the dinning hall and reach for the door handle. A sharp pain fills me. I gasp for air but I can't find any. I whimper in pain and stumble to the door. I lean on it for stability. I feel worried when I notice that the pain is coming from my stomach. I scream out and fall to the ground. I see Maggie running towards me.

"Lizzie! Lizzie, are you okay? What happened?" She asks.

"Gareth. I need Gareth!" I yell.

Glenn appears in the back and Maggie tells him to get Gareth.

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