Hello again :)

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Hey guys! So I wanted to ask you a question, if I were to write a sequel to this book, would you be interested in reading it? I got a request I little bit ago to write a sequel and I have put that into mind.

If I do write a sequel, I will NEED someone to help me with it. If you are interested in helping me write a sequel, please message me on Wattpad or instagram, meowmia_ptv, but please on Instagram DM me.

Also....holy shit, season five. SPOILER ALRET bobs leg has been eaten!! like what the fuck?!?!? And they need to find Beth and I started crying when Carol and Daryl were reunited, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. So that's it for now! If you are interested then tell me! I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

Thank you so so much for all the votes and reads! we're at 15.4k I think? I don't know. Something in that nature....

Little notes to people who read my other books, I am so sorry that I haven't been updating!! School, and life and everything has just not been going good and I have been busy. I plan on trying to write and update a little more frequently.

Love you all!!!


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