Chapter Seven: Kill the Dead Fear the Living

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After a rational discussion about safety and weapons, Carl asks me to join him and Mika to help Hershel. I don't know with what exactly but I go along with it.

"Have you ever planted a flower, Mika?" Carl asks her as we walk out to the field.

"When I was seven I would pick flowers and re-plant them." Mika answers.

Carl laughs and says, "Do you remember what kind of flowers?"

"Yeah. They were little yellow ones." She says.

"Sour grass." I tell her.

"Yeah, that." She laughs.

We find Hershel standing in the first field with four shovels on the ground.

"Welcome to gardening 101." Hershel says. We all grab a shovel and Hershel explains to us where we should dig and everything.

The three of us, Mika, Carl, and I have little conversations about animals and nature. After an hour of "gardening" we all have dug three deep holes in the dirt. Hershel helps us plant the seeds and we water them. We go back into the cell block to hear what everyone is saying about the Governor.

"We should just leave." Maggie says.

"No, we can't just surrender." Rick says.

"I'd rather surrender then loose my friends." Carol says.

"Rick, I think Carol is right, here." Glenn says.

"Like I said, I'll try and talk to the Governor when he gets here." Rick says.

"And like I said, do you think he'll want to talk?" Glenn says.

"We should just stay." Michonne says.

"We already used some of our steal and wood to make shields on the bridges. We can't just waste them." Carol says.

"Okay. We are staying here. If things go from bad to worse, we get out." Rick finishes the conversation. Some people go back to their cells to sleep and others stay out and talk to each other. I walk to the cell room and go to Mika and I's cell.

"Wait up." Carl says as he walks up the stairs.

"What?" I ask. He walks up to me and smiles.

"Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." I say.

"I'm going to make sure that Mika will be safe." He tells me.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"If the Governor comes tomorrow, we will make it out of here together, you, me, and Mika. Okay? If we need to." He says.

"Okay." I say. He smiles one more time and leaves down the stairs. I walk into the cell and lie down on my bunk. Mika is still downstairs. I fall asleep dreaming about the attack.

The next morning goes by quick. Mostly because we are all anticipating the attack. But soon enough, the Governor shows up.

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