Chapter Fifteen: Rest In Peace

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Chapter Fifteen


"Carl, that way." Tyreese whispers to me.

I pull out my shotgun and aim forward. I walk to a big tree and wait. Hunting is time consuming. I'm thinking of Lizzie. I need her to stay alive. By what my dad told me a few days ago, he wants her dead. Everyone does. Just one more flaw with her, and she's gone forever. I won't let it happen, though. If they try to lay a hand on her, I won't hesitate to send a bullet through their head. My dad, I can reason with him. But Carol and Tyreese, I won't hesitate.

I see a rabbit. It's ears perk up and it looks at me. I notice blood on its fur. It looks back and two smaller bunnies pop out from a bush. It's a mother. The mother and her kids walk across the field. Then, a shot goes off and a baby has a hole, blood spilling out of its head. The mother stays for a few seconds, but then tries to run off but is shot. I look back to see the shooter and my dad stands there, gun aimed at the direct spot. He looks at me and nods for me to grab them.

I grab the mother by the ears and put her in my bag. I grab the baby and do the same. I can't act like a priss. I need to be a man.

We are out for about an hour and my dad calls for us to head back. By the end of our hunt, we have two bunnies, a squirrel, and two crows.

"Seems like we'll be feasting tonight." Carol laughs.

"We should stay for one more night, dad." I ask.

"No. We need to head out now. We have wasted enough time here." He says.

"I remember when my husband and I would go and hunt with his friends. He'd tell the same joke every season." Carol says.

"What was it?" Tyreese asks.

"What's the difference between deer nuts and deer nuts? Deer nuts are about twenty dollars, and deer nuts are under a buck." She says.

I see a smile creep up on my dad's face but soon leaves when we reach the grove. I look forwards and see Lizzie standing there. Mika is lying on the ground behind her. I look to Lizzie's hands and one has a bloody knife and the other is covered in blood. Carol dashes to her and everyone else follows. When we get closer, we see everything.

Mika has a huge gash in her stomach, blood is splattered on her neck and face. Mika's face is pale. Lizzie is smiling a little bit. Blood is on her as well.

"Don't worry. She'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain." Lizzie says, joy in her voice.

"Lizzie, can you put down the knife, sweetheart?" Carol asks. Lizzie drops the knife and my dad walks to her. Lizzie pulls out a pistol from her pocket and aims it at my dad. He stops in his tracks.

"No! Don't touch her. I need you all to see what I see. Then you'll understand. She needs to change." Lizzie says.

"Okay," my dad says in a smoothing voice,"Can you give me the gun first? I promise I won't touch her."

"We can go back to the house, we'll have dinner. I'll stay here and tie her up and tomorrow we'll come and see her. You can show us, okay?" Carol says. Lizzie drops the gun in my dad's hand and he quickly grabs the knife on the floor, too.

"Lizzie, come with me. You can help me make dinner." Tyreese says. Lizzie walks to Tyreese and they both go into the house.

"Carol, do what you have to do." My dad says.

"Okay." Carol says.

"This is why I don't want you with her, Carl." My dad says. He turns around and walks into the house. I see Carol start to cry. I leave and watch her through the window from the house. She sobs and finally drives a knife through Mika's head. I cry at the thought that Lizzie killing her own sister.

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