Chapter Three: Carl and Beth

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The next morning, nothing happened. At all. I woke up and had breakfast with Mika and Beth.

"Hey, do you want to practice?" Beth asks me after breakfast.

"Practice what?" I ask.

"Singing." She laughs.

"Oh, okay." I answer.

We go outside and walk across the prison so no one can hear us. We take a seat on the floor facing each other. Beth brought the guitar that was Glenn's so we could hear music.

"Okay, do you know any songs?" She asks me.

"Um, All Around Me. Do you know it?" I ask her.

"Who doesn't?" She laughs.

With that she starts to strum the guitar which soon makes the music of the song. I start to sing. I haven't done this in forever. I like it.

When the song comes to an end, Beth's face is split by a smile.

"That was amazing!" She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes! Hold on, let me go get something, I'll be right back." She says.

She gets up and runs to the cell black C. Leaving me alone with the guitar. Or at least I think I am alone.

"That was amazing." Someone says from behind. I turn my head to see Carl standing behind me. He walks around me and takes a seat in front of me.

"You, wait, you . . ." I trail off.

"Yes, I was listening." He admits.

"Did you follow us?" I ask him.

"No. I was here already. I just hid when I saw you two walking down here." He explains.

"Oh." I sigh.

"You really do have an amazing voice." He tells me.

"Um, thanks, I guess." I laugh and so does he.

I like the way his laugh sounds. His voice is very deep. His brown hair is straight down and it looks good with the brown hat on. He is wearing the same thing as yesterday; a blue plaid shirt with a brown, leather vest and blue jeans.

"I'm guessing you really like that hat." I say.

"Yeah, it was my dad's. He was a sheriff before all of this happened. He gave it to me when I got shot." He tells me.

"You got shot? Where?" I ask.

"I was twelve, the first year of the . . . sickness, and I was out with my dad and a man named Shane. We saw a deer and I got close to it. It looked at me and I was mesmerized. Then, all that I knew was that my chest hurt and I was on the floor. A man named Otis was hunting the deer down and didn't see me when he shot him. The bullet went through the deers head and right here." He puts his hand on left side of his chest.

"Wow." I say speechlessly.

"Yeah. If it weren't for Hershel, I would be dead right now." He says.

"I wouldn't have wanted that to happen." I say.

"Yeah. Then I wouldn't have gotten to see a new, beautiful face like yours." He says.

Was that a compliment? I'm not that good with guys. The only male that I have ever had a real conversation with was my dad.

Just then, Beth came running back with two brown bags in her hands.

"Hey Carl, when did you get here?" She asks as she sits down with us.

"I was always here." He replies.

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