9. ***

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I teleported to my kunai, knowing full well he would be right behind me. Unfortunately, that had taken a lot more of my chakra than I had realised and I was quickly becoming exhausted. I desperately needed to get back to the village and have this seal removed. It had been devised in such a way that I was not able to do so myself.

I was fast brought out of my daydream when a loud bang filled the air, coming from behind me. Deidara. I ran and ran as fast as I could until my legs gave out. This is not good. He had trapped me in the forest, alone and exhausted, barely able to move. I climbed up into the trees to get a better grasp of the situation. Once at the top, I looked around. A few kilometres away was the border, it was so close. I turned around and saw Deidara coming right towards me. He was looking at the ground so chances are he hadn't spotted me in the tree yet. I tuned in to my tracking senses to see if I could pick up on anything nearby when I heard some rustling a little ways off in the direction of the Hidden Leaf.

This was not good. Someone was approaching and fast. They were sure to be casualties of what was inevitably about to ensue. The chakra I was sensing felt strangely familiar...

Without warning Deidara seemed to have locked on to this group and picked up his speed.

"If I can't get her, I'll get anyone I can!" I heard him laugh maniacally as he flew right over me. Damn! This was clearly the perfect spot to hide out until he left. But I couldn't leave these people to suffer because of me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before rushing off after the man who was trying to kill me. I was trailing right behind him when I saw him gather up some clay and let it drop almost directly above a young pink haired girl. I quickly threw my kunai in front of her and pulled her out of the blast radius.

"What's happening?! Who are you?!" She screeched as I put her gently back on the ground. I noticed her Hidden Leaf headband and gave her a smile.

"I'm a friend," I quickly said before I rushed back to collect my kunai and use what little remained of my charka to use a jutsu that I has formulated myself. It was a mix of lightning style and wind style, combining the chidori with the rasengan.

It took all I had to create this, but it was my most powerful move. Before Deidara knew what was happening I launched the spinning ball of electricity towards him, sending him flying back into the Hidden Sound.

With that done, I breathed a sigh of relief as I fell to my knees. I could sense the other 3 shinobi in the party coming up behind me. I instantly recognised the next thing I heard.

"It can't be..." I began falling backwards exhausted, eyes closed as I did. Someone caught me before my body hit the ground. I opened my eyes, just barely to catch a glimpse at him. He reached his hand down to stroke my face, his eye wide.

"Kakashi." Then there was darkness.

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