Rose soon returned with a glass of blood. Honestly, it was hard to not rip it out of her hands and drink it myself.

I think Jasper had the same problem, because he left.

I watched half proud half discusted as Bella drank the blood. I was a bit discusted because Balla wasn't a vampire and was still drinking blood.

When Bella had been drinking a few sips she spoke.

" Hm.. It's not that bad. " She said and drank some more. I could already see some of the color return to her face.

" Good. Now can I speak to you alone Carlisle? It's about what you need to know about Bella. " Mom said and dad nodded.

I can tell you that Esmé did not look happy about this. Honestly, I don't blame her. Who would want their husband and his ex be in the same room, alone.

When dad and mom had left we all went back to our own things. Everyone except for Rose, Eddie and mom went hunting. I myself went to the woods.

I had been walking around for about two hours when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw mom.

" Bella is giving birth. Come. " She said and we both ran to the house.

We arrived to a lot of screams. We went inside and mom went directly to Bella and helped out.

I had no idea what to do, so I kinda just stood there, awkward. I really wanted to help, but was affraid that I'd do something wrong and it would cause Bella to get hurt.

I watched everything that happened, but I'm not going in to details, because it wasn't pretty. It was actually quite nasty.

Well, not to give details, the baby was soon out. It was a girl and she was adoreble.

" Let me... Give her to me. " Bella maneged to say. She was covered in blood and had an open stomach, so I was surpriced that she could talk.

Eddie gave the little girl to her and I heard Bella wisper " Renesmee. "

Renesmee smiled - almost like she knew it was her mom.

Suddently Bella took a deep breath - out of pain. Eddie took Renesmee out of her arms and I ran to Eddie.

" Give her to me! " I said. Eddie gave her to me and went back to saving Bella, along with mom and Rose.

Rose had just got back, since she went blood crazy before. But she was now okay and was helping with Bella.

Not able to stand all the blood, I walked out with Renesmee. I went to the livingroom and sat down in a chair.

I looked down on Renesmee and she was beautiful. I had seen her earlier, but not really, since it was in the middle of Bella dying. Biút now I had really seen her and she looked much like Bella, but still a lot of Eddie. I'm really happy that she didn't look excactly like Eddie, because that would have been weird.

Suddently I hear a duns behind me. I turned around and saw Jacob standing on his kness, watching...Renesmee?

Ohoh.. I know that look. Jacob imprinted on Renesmee.


What. A. Creep! She is an hour max! Pedo!

Anyway.. Jacob still sat there, not moving, just looking at Renesmee. He didn't move until we heard a growl from the outside.

The wolf pack was here.

Jacob got out of his non-moving thing and ran out. He was going to make sure that no one can hurt Renesmee. It's the wolf's biggest law; Never hurt the imprint of another wolf.

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