Meet the Cullen's.. again

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I hate Aro right now. Like really hate him. He knows of my relationship with Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen's. He's just doing this to piss me of, only because I've been a pain in his ass the past few months, and it's working.

I'm in my room packing my thing's. We would leave when I'm done. It's dark outside so the sun isn't a problem.

When I had packed my thing's I went to Jane's, Nevaeh's and Mom's room to say goodbye. After that I went to where Bella, Edward and Alice waited for me. I found them and we drove to the airport. During the drive no one talked. On the flight Bella fell asleep and that's when the question's started.

Alice: Why where you there?

Edward: Did you feed on humans?

Alice: Why are your eye's blue?

Edward: Yeah, they should be red if you've been drinking human blood and gold if you have been drinking animal blood, so why are they blue?

After those questions I was able to talk without being interrupter.

"Well, Alice I was with the Volturi because my mother was there. Edward, I'm not going to answer that question. My eye's are blue because I met a vampire who could make herself look human so, I copied her power. Understood? Good, now I'm going to sleep. And yes, I can sleep thanks to the power to look human." I know I sound bitchy, but only because I'm going to miss my mother and sister's ( Jane and Nevaeh aren't my real sisters, we just call eitch other that.)

Then I went to sleep and I had a dream with my mother.


I was standing in my mother's room at the Volturi. I looked around for my mother and saw her sit on her bed. She looked in to my eye's and I got her power. I hadn't copied it before because I didn't need it, and I was too busy to keep my own dreams that I couldn't make others dream. Makes sense , right?

" Mom, why did you do that? Let me copy your power, I mean."

"Lily, there is something I must beg you to do. You must use my power on your father. I will learn you how to control other peoples dreams and how to create them. I'm afraid I'm not going to live so much longer, so you must get you father to your side, so he can protect you. Your safe with him. I want you to have a family. I thought that you, me and your father would be a family, but I see now that I was wrong. Go to the Cullen's and earn their trust. But only by their dream's. I know they don't sleep, so you must do it while they are away from the others. Eventually they will love you like I do. I love you Lily, but I must go now. I'll see you in your dream's soon. Bye" And with those word's she was gone.

Dream end

I woke up and noticed that the plain just landed. Bella was asleep, still, in Edward's arms. We got of the plane, in seatle. On the parking lot stood all the Cullen's. Apparently thay had moved back to Forks when they found out that Bella went after Edward.

Carlisle aske dwhat I was doing there and I anwerd with the truth; to make sure Bella becomes one of us, a vampire.

Rosalie and Emmett was thrilled that I would move back in with them, and because of that they where so happy about it, Esme couldn't say no and when Esme can't say na, neither can Carlisle. It was official, I'm moving back with the Cullen's.

When we had dropped of Bella and Edward at Bella's house, yes Bella's house seince I don't live there anymore, we drove to the Cullen's. Well, I guess I now can call it my house, I'll be living here after all. Then I rememberd something I had promised one time when I was human. Oh, Edward look out. I once promiced Bella that I would kick Edward's ass if he hur her and he did once, so like I said: Edward look out.

Once he came home later he got his ass kicked, I didn't kick his ass, but he did get a hit in the stomach.

Everybody, even Edward lauged at his face when I hit him. ( Edward could see his face in the other's minds.)

I think I'm going to enjoy my time here. I think it might be better than the last time, because I'm a new person. I'm not Lily Swan anymore.

No, I'm Lily Cane.

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