Part 2 ~ Sweetheart

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The next day I wake up a little earlier than usual. I wanna find something pretty to wear today . . and maybe put a little makeup on. Yes, for Michael, not for myself. Even though I know he won't notice me. . but I wanna look pretty in case he does.

I don't usually wear makeup. actually, I never wear makeup . . and the clothes I wear are mostly black and grey. I don't have nice clothes. I'm gonna grab something form my mother's closet . . she's about my size and she has cute stuff.

On my way to school I feel my heart burning from nervousness. I just know I'm gonna melt when I see Michael. I hope he's coming to school today . . that would make my day so much better. Sometimes during lunch break I sit down next to a tree and watch Michael and his friends have fun.

Michael is so handsome. it's almost unreal. He's got long curly hair, the darkest brown eyes I've ever seen in my life and the way he dresses is so different from all the other guys. But he looks good. Very good. he's really really god looking. and he always wears a fedora. I think that's awesome. Michael dares to be different.

I walk into the classroom and take a seat at my desk. Keisha just walked in. She is very pretty. She's the most beautiful girl here, every guy in school loves her . . she's very popular . . and she has tons of friends. She's friends with everybody. We never talk to each other but I know she's ok.

"Who put that makeup on you, Jordyn?" Keisha asks.

"I put it on . . I did it myself" I answer with an insecure tone of voice. She opens her purse and hands me a makeup remover wipe. "Remove the red lipstick, it's too much but the rest looks good"

"Thank you Keisha . . that's so nice of you"


"Does anybody know the answer to this one?" Mrs.Johnson asks.

*school bell rings*

"Alright everyone, lunch break . . see you later" Everybody runs out. I get up and walk to the teacher's desk. "Mrs. Johnson, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Jordyn . . what is it?"

"Umm . . where is Michael? is he coming to school today?" She gives me a smile. I think she knows I like him. "Michael is at the hospital . . he will be coming to school this afternoon. . is there a reason why you ask, Jordyn?"

"Umm no, I was just wondering . . thanks Mrs. Johnson"

I grab my lunch bag and walk out. I see my tree from here. Elena and Jennifer are sitting there . . oh no . . now I have to go somewhere else to eat my lunch. "Elephant!" I look to my left and see Justin with his stupid friends. I ignore him and keep walking.

"Elephant girl! . . are you hungry?"

~ Michael's point of view ~

Chris walks up to me smiling like an idiot. "How was it at the hospital, Mike? are you still hurting?"

"No, I'm alright . . I just can't lift anything heavy for the next three weeks or so . . and I can't play basketball"

"Damn, that sucks, dude!"

"I know. ."

"But I'm glad you're back . . school is boring without you, Mike"

"That sounded so gay, Chris" I say and start laughing.

"Hey! . . I love you in the most heterosexual way, Michael!" All our friends start laughing at Chris' response. I look over at Jennifer and Elena. I should go over there and say hi to them. "I'll be right back, guys" I say and run over to there.

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