Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds

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*DISCLAIMER* Any bands, brands, singers, products, chains, songs, films, books, games, companies, or anything else I reference in this work do NOT belong to me. I claim no rights to anything in these stories other than the intellectual property of my original characters. All Nintendo characters are copyrighted to Nintendo and its subsidiaries. Also, this book is a WORK OF FICTION. Shigeru Miyamoto and Masahiro Sakurai are real people, but this story contains FICTIONAL versions of them. Thank you for your understanding.

Fate. All destinies must be fulfilled. All worlds must be saved. All prophecies must come to life.

All good things must one day come to an end.

Inside of a computer, unbeknownst to most of our world, reside several different races of creatures which cannot be found anywhere else. Star Warriors, Elves, Mushroom Kingdomers, Toads, Koopa Troopas, Pokemon, Manga-Heads, Waddle Dee, Cappies, Lumas, and countless others. These creatures are all programs. But they are not just merely programs. No, not at all. Every single one of these beings is sentient, having a life, mind, and will of their own. Some are evil, some are good. Some are tall, some are short. Some are honest and true, others... not so much. Some can use magic, others cannot. But all of these beings have one thing in common:

They all call this computer their home, even if they do not realize it.

And if something were ever to happen to it, whether it were to shut down, crash, have its batteries run out, or be destroyed by a virus... They would all, every last being, die.

This computer is little, just a video-game-console-sized, star-shaped box. This computer is hidden in the top of my closet, in my house here outside of the old town of Kyoto. Hardly anyone would notice if it died. Hardly a tear would be shed if it lost power.

But there is at least one who would care. There is still, even now in the 2800's, one who would do everything in her power to save it.

I have been inside of this box once. I know the beauty and the intricacy and the whimsicality which fills it. I know many of the beings within, and count them as friends. I was once a hero there myself, who helped to destroy a terrible threat against their whole world. (Please pardon the informality, but... I HATE YOU, TEDIUM. XP) Ahem. Continuing on...

Hopefully, it will never come to them needing my help again. Hopefully, the box will forever stay safe and run healthily, as it should. Hopefully, my friends will be able to just live their lives in peace and security, ignorant of the fact that they are not really alive, at least not by any Human definition.

But even I, even if I am just a Human, know that someday, all pretense of peace will disappear. Someday, the fate of this whole Galaxy will be left in the small, pink paws of a young Star Warrior: little Kirby of the Stars.

He will be the only one who can save their world from the forces of evil in the end. Others may help him save their world from the computer-related problems, but he is the only one who can bring about the peace of all worlds within the box, and the only one who can prevent the end of all said worlds.

And the final battle between good and evil draws ever closer and closer.

But until then, he will not be alone. He has many friends and allies who will help him. I am one of them, and will be as long as I live.

Long live Nintendo World, the 'living' Hall of Entrusting Heaven.

-From the private journal of Byte Sakurai

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 5: Nintendo World: The Fate of All Worlds (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now