The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Lena! Where's Kara?" She asked frantically.

" Kara has something to say to you guys, bring everyone around." Lena said, wiping Kara's tears. She connected the two earpieces and handed one to Kara.

"Kara, your on speaker." Alex said, Kara was sniffling, wiping the remaining tears from her face.

"Guys. If anything happens to me, please know that I appreciate everything you've done for me, I love you all and you hold a special place in my heart. Alex, Maggie. If anything happens to me, please don't lose everything for me, be married, have a dog, have kids. Please, know that I love you, James, Winn, Barry, Oliver . I love you guys, please know that." She said, everyone was wiping tears, knowing that Kara might die or win. They had to keep fighting. For Kara.

" Where's my daughter?" Kara asked.

"Mom? Mom are you ok?" She asked, worried. Kara smiled.

"I'm here sweetie. I need to tell you something," Kara said sniffling.

"No. Mom, your not dying. Not now, not ever. There's so many things that we haven't done. I still need you mom. You need to stay, stay for me, for mommy, for aunt Alex and Maggie, uncle Winn and James, Barry, Oliver. Please, win the dakkum Ur. We still need you." She said. Kara nodded.

"Ok, I will." She said. She looked at Wes. She noticed something about him, like he's losing it, his once flawless but deadly demeanor that Kara once knew was slipping away bit by bit.

"Mom?" Emily asked

"I'm here, but sweetie, I have to go. I love you, I'll be there by tomorrow night. I love you" She said weakly smiling, even though Emily didn't see it, Emily knew she was smiling.

"I love you too, bye" She says.

Kara had ended the call and walked over to Wes. Lena walked over and was ready to watch. And when ready, intervene.

"Are you ready?" He asked, Kara nodded, they made their positions and grabbed their weapons. Wes a double ended sword laced with kryptonite, Kara a spear laced with kryptonite, they were both slightly weak but not enough to pass out.

"To the death?" He asked

"To the death" Kara said

"Then let the Dakkum Ur begin!" Wes said.

He started running to Kara's chest and she super speeded away from the sword, he ran into the wall and flipped over it. He came again and again, trying to figure out why she was dodging so many of his precise attacks on the girl of steel.

Kara tried to find an opening but he was closer, he swung his sword and Kara had cut one end of it. She let go of the spear and chi-blocked him, letting go of his super powers as Kara, letting her get the upper hand. She froze his hands, letting it fall into oblivion.

He screamed in agony, wanting to die at that moment. Kara pushed him to the ground and he looked at her with the same innocence that she lost long ago.

She grab the sphere and stabbed it right into his heart, he looked at her in shock.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Kara" He said eyes wide open.

He touched her soft, warm face touched with his cold hands, she allowed him to touch her, get one more feel for it, it was the last touch that he had. He softly let his hand go limp to the floor. She smiled at who was once her lover and best friend by choice, to the evil person to what she had seen developed in him after his rejection.

"Good bye my dear friend. May the afterlife serve you well" she whispered. She walked over to Lena and she kissed her.

"I knew you could do it." She said smiling at the girl of steel.

They flew home to a family that was excited to see her, hugs and kisses from family. And the family was once returned from another final battle.

Alex Parrish had woken up from her dizzy spell and was in a strange room.

"Good, your awake." A voice said.

"Where am I?" Alex asked

"Welcome to Cadmus" A male voice said.

"Who are you?" Alex asked before a figure emerged.

"Lex Luthor" He said.

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