It's Christmas Time

Start from the beginning

Hunter’s POV

Eleanor handed me the phone and I automatically knew it was my mom. “I’m going to go make some breakfast” Eleanor whispered to me. I nodded showing her I heard her, and with that she was off. “Hey mom, Merry Christmas!” I said into the phone with the biggest smile on my face, I always loved talking to my parents. We talked for a little while but my mom had to go but she told me to put her on speaker phone. “Goodbye Eleanor, I love you.” She said loud enough for Eleanor to hear from the other room. “Bye, I love you too mom!” She yelled back. We both hung up and I decided to go see what Eleanor was cooking for breakfast. She had her back to me so I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and putting my head on her shoulder. “Smells delicious, what are you making?” I asked her while lightly kissing her neck. “I am making bacon, hash browns, cinnamon rolls eggs and grape juice.” She said while cutting the potatoes. “That sounds amazing, do you need any help?” I asked. “Sure, you can put the cinnamon rolls in the oven and make the grape juice.” “Yes ma’am” I said saluting her then walking off to make the cinnamon rolls. “She laughed and said you’re a dork.” “Yes I am, but I’m your dork.” I said to her. We finished making breakfast then ate, and it was delicious. Then went upstairs to pack for Christmas with Eleanor’s family. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” I asked her, I had noticed she had been zoning out while packing. “Oh nothing” She said trying to brush it off, but I knew something was bothering her. “Love, I know you better then that and I know that something it bothering you. Please tell me.” I said walking over to her side of the bed. “I’m just worried how my mom is going to act with us there. I mean you know she will be there, and she knows we are going to be there, what if she does something.” She said looking worried. “Sweetheart, I’m sure everything will be okay. I haven’t known her that long but I’m sure she would not dare try something. If she does well will cross that bridge when we come to it. Okay, please don’t worry about this.” I said rubbing her arms. “Okay” She said taking a deep breath. We went to bed early that night to go to the airport early the next morning. Our flight was quick and easy. We got to the air port and waited, Eleanor’s brother dad were going to be picking us up and we would be staying at her dad’s place. 

Eleanor’s POV

“Daddy!” I yelled once I saw him. I ran to him and he engulfed me in a hug. “I missed you, Eleanor.” He said to me. “I missed you to dad” “Hunter walked up beside me and put down our luggage, he held out his hand for my dad to shake but my dad pulled him into a hug. “You are going to be part of the family soon, so we might as well start hugging.” My dad said. “How are you sir?” Hunter asked him “I’m fine, and please call me Louis.” My dad said pulling away from their hug. I saw my brother standing there awkwardly, “Oh Hunter, this is my brother Brad, Brad this is Hunter my fiancé.” I said introducing them. They Shook hands and my brother spoke up. “Fiancé huh, are you treating my sister right?” He asked pulling the older protective brother bit. “Of course” Hunter responded, obviously a little intimidated. I grabbed Hunter’s hand and intertwined our fingers to tell him not to worry. We all went back to my dad’s house and unwrapped presents then watched some tv, just spending time with each other. After we all went out to dinner and brought my brother home. Then went back to my dad’s, where Hunter and I just went to the room that was mine for when I was going to be staying here. Hunter and I changed into our Pj’s and laid down to watch some movies before bed. My dad came in and wished us goodnight and told us he loved us. “I like your dad” Hunter said to me. “Yah me too, him and I became really close after the divorce. When I was younger I always thought if my parents ever divorced that I would go with my mom, but that totally changed when she did. I just never thought it would actually happen.” I said staring at my hands. “ i kinda feel like I jinxed it.” I said. “Hey It’s not your fault, it had nothing to do with you.” He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling my body close to his. “I know, just sometimes I just get that feeling” I said wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling into his chest. I felt to safe, and at home. “Well stop getting that thought.” He said chuckling and leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Okay I’ll try. but right now I am going to sleep because I am exhausted.” I said looking into his eyes. “Sounds like a good idea.” he told me then leaned down to kiss me. “Goodnight sweetheart, I love you.” He said to me “Goodnight baby, I love you too.” I said to him then drifted off to sleep feeling him rubbing my back, because that always relaxes me and helps me get to sleep.

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