Know Better Chapter 31

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There was a light approaching me. As it got closer it formed into a shape. He was slightly taller than me and he had a short beard. Right when he got directly in front of me I recognized him as Mr. Kim, Taehyung's father. Taehyung's dead father.

"Kim Seokjin. My, my, my how much you've grown," he smiled. I step away, "Is it really you, Mr. Kim?" He laughed, "In the flesh, or should I say in the spirit." I paled, "Am I dead?" His eyes softened, "No, not yet at least."

I let out a relieved breath. "What do you want then," I asked. "I need you to tell Taehyung that I'm sorry. Tell him that I regret ever picking up every bottle of alcohol and ignoring him and not being a good father to him," he said with guilt in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, "So you want me to do what exactly? You want me to go to him and plead for forgiveness for you?" He looked at me, "I know I'm sorry isn't enough but I want him to move on."

I was pissed now, "That's so fucking conceited. He's been over you for the longest time." He cocked his head, "Why are you getting so upset?" I spat, "You fucking left him without a dad even though you were in the same house with him. Do you know how many times he came crying to me about how much he missed his dad and how  his family is falling apart? Do you have any idea how many times he came to my house for something to eat because you were out with some girl who was half your fucking age. The bullshit you did is the reason why I'm so upset. You should have known better."

"You love my son?" I nodded vigorously, "More than anything in the world." He smiled, "Then take care of my son." I raised my eyebrow, "What do you think I've been doing for the last eight years?" He started fading, "You have a choice to make. You can go back to your friends or you can come and open a new chapter of your life. You have one minute to decide before the decision is made for you."

Two doors appeared one was a plain dark wood door while the other was painted a baby blue color. It match the door to Tae's room at our house. I looked between the two doors and tried to make a decision. Suddenly the room started crumbling. I panicked and looked between between both again.

I heard Tae's voice yell, "EOMMA, TAE WANT YOU BACK. HE LOVES YOU. TAE SCARED AND NEED YOU." His voice came from the dark wood door and I immediately ran and snatched the door open. I jumped before I could change my mind and everything lit up.

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