Chapter 2/ Are You Leaving Me?

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Taehyung's POV

I was in my room trying to figure out some of my work when Jin hyung came in and sat on my bed.  "Yeah, Jin hyung?" I heard him take a deep breath and tell me to sit beside him on my bed. I panicked and went into little space. I was afraid that he lied to me before when he said that he liked taking care of me.

"Pwease Jin-nie hyung don't leave me. I pwomise I'll be a good boy, I pwomise. Pwease," I begged trying to fight the tears in my eyes. "Tae, sweetheart, I'm not leaving you, but I do want to ask you something," Jin-nie hyung whispered. "What?"

I was confused, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be Big or Little so I just forced myself to be Big. "I'm going to America for a couple of weeks and while I've already found someone to be here with you, I still want to know if you'll be comfortable with me going." I opened my mouth to say something in response but before I could Jin hyung said, "Before you say anything I need you to be completely honest with me, okay? Forget about how I might feel and only think about yourself."

I nodded and smiled, "I really don't want you to leave me, but if it's something you need or want to do then I can get over it. I have a question though, who's supposed to be here with me?" Jin hyung frowned at me, "A co-worker and friend of mine named Jeon Jungkook. I'm going to let you meet him one day next week and see if you like him, okay?" 

I nodded and hugged Jin hyung, "Hyung, how old is Mr. Jeon?" Jin smiled, "21." I smiled but inside I was starting to become more and more terrified. What if Mr. Jeon didn't like me? What if he was mean to me? All of those questions plus a few more were slowly pushing me to be Little.

Jin rubbed my back, "I know you'll be a good boy for me, Tae." My breathing stopped for a second and I immediately felt relaxed. "Hey, sweetheart!"

I smiled at Jin-nie hyung brightly, Can we watch a movie?" Jin-how nodded, "Yeah, but do you want to change first?"

I nodded happily before following Jin-nie hyung to his room. I stripped down to just my boxers before taking the black shirt Jin-nie hyung was offering me. He helped me out it on and gave me a big, fat kiss on the cheek.

After I changed Jin-nie hyung carried me downstairs and let me pick a movie. "The SpongeBob SquarePants​ Movie!"

"We've seen this movie 50 times already, are you sure you want to watch it again?" Jin-nie whined. I nodded happily and sat on the couch waiting for him to get it ready. As soon as he got the movie playing he sat down and I jumped on his lap.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder since I was facing the tv and kissed his cheek, "I love you Jin-nie hyung." Jin-nie hyung smiled down on me, "I love you too Tae."

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