Chapter 1/ Little

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"Kim Taehyung I swear to God if you do not get back here and put this coat on I will punish you," Jin's voice rang through the house. Soon he could the soft patter of feet racing to where he was. Taehyung stood in the doorway with a small pout and big teary eyes. "I told you that I had to go pick up somethings and here you are playing," Jin said. "I'm sorry Jin-nie hyung,"Tae whispered.

Jin's anger melted away in seconds, "I know Tae, but there are just somethings that can't be put off until later. I promise after we get all my stuff taken care of I'll buy you some ice cream, yeah?" Tae nodded enthusiastically at the thought of ice cream. "You have to be a good boy though, okay," Jin said. "I pwomise to be a good boy, hyung."


After they got Jin's work done they went and got some ice cream. "Jin hyung," Taehyung called from the back seat. Jin cocked his head in acknowledgement of hearing Taehyung call his name. "Yeah?" Taehyung bit his lip, "Is this too much for you? I mean I know it must be more stress-"Jin looked at Taehyung through his rear view mirror, "Taehyung, I love being able to care for you while you're in headspace and even when you're not. Even if I am stressed seeing you being all cute always calms me down. We've talked about this and we both agreed that if we felt uncomfortable we would talk to each other. I enjoy everything that we do, but if you don't then just say that you don't, I won't be upset."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, I know. I like how you take care of me as well, while I'm in my headspace and out of it. I just want you to be okay with it." Jin smiled at Taehyung and and then looked back at the road while Taehyung sat and thought about how Jin hyung's smile told him everything he needed to know.

After a couple of minutes they arrived home and Taehyung slipped off to his room to do some homework he had for some of his classes. While he was doing homework Jin stood in the kitchen looking over some paperwork from his job, asking if he was willing to go on a 3 week trip America for a negotiation  that just had to be in person. For 3 weeks he wouldn't see Tae, he wouldn't be able to care for him. Tae would be alone unless he could find someone to take care of him.

Finally he made up his mind and called the person he knew would be great for Tae.

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