Chapter 3/ Mr. Jeon

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Third Person POV

"Tae, Mr. Jeon said that he'll be joining us for dinner so you'll get to meet him tonight, and I'll introduce you to each other, okay?" Jin watched Tae's reaction to make sure it was actually okay with him. "What does in-introduced mean?"

Jin laughed lightly, "Introduce basically means that I'm going to let you meet each other." Tae nodded, "Okay, Jin-nie hyung." Jin watched as Tae played with his favorite stuffie, an elephant he named Jack. It was fluffy and gray, when Tae saw it he instantly fell in love. "Tae will you be a good boy and get my phone off the counter please?"

Tae nodded and ran off to the kitchen to get the phone. He accidently hit the home button and saw the lock screen, it was a photo of him and Jin from a few years back. As he made his way to Jin he giggled at the picture.

Right when Jin was about to ask what was so funny he could see the picture. It was him and Tae pouting at the camera. The story behind that was that Jin had told Tae he thought that he was cuter so Tae started pouting during the picture and Jin mocked him. It was cute, he had to admit.

He checked his messages and found an unread text from Jungkook saying that he would be over around 7:00. It was 4:00 now so he had about 2 hours to get himself and Tae ready for tonight. After getting ready he could have an hour to prepare for dinner.

"Tae get ready to get your bath," Jin said. Tae ran off to the bathroom and Jin slowly followed after he sent a reply to Jungkook.

When he got there Tae was already naked, sitting on the end of the tub playing with a toy octopus. He started the water and waited until it was warm to add bubbles. "Go ahead," Jin said and watched as Tae sat down in the water and started playing with the bubbles.

"Tae, you want to try dyeing your hair?"

"What is dyeing?"

Jim smiled, "It's basically changing the color of your hair." Tae thought about it first before nodding his head yes. "What color would you want?"

Tae stuck his tongue and thought about it. Suddenly he gasped, "Red." Jin took a second to cover Tae's eyes and poured water over his head before replying. "Okay, I was thinking​ about maybe doing mine blonde so I thought I'd ask you."

Jin shampooed Tae's hair and then covered his face again to run water over his head. He grabbed the stay-in conditioner and massaged it into his hair before unplugging the water and letting it run out.

As he lifted Tee out of run with a big, fluffy towel he fell back as his foot caught a puddle of water. He laughed as Tae came crashing down on top of him.

Tae giggled and got up quickly. He watched as Jin got up and followed him towards his bedroom. Jin quickly found him some black shorts with a shirt that said 'Kiss Me I'm Lucky'.

Jin put him on the bed and put lotion on his body with a little bit of cologne. "Put those clothes on," Jin said while putting Tae's underwear on him. "If you need help come get me."

Tae watched him walk away and then started getting dressed. He almost put his shirt on wrong but thankfully he figured it out. After getting dressed Tae looked in the mirror and admired himself. He giggled as he saw his hair and walked to the living room to play with Jack.

After a while he heard footsteps coming from the stairs and looked up to see Jin coming down stairs with a white dress shirt, under a black blazer with some black slacks. "Ooh. You looked pwetty, Jin-nie hyung."

Jin smiled and winked at Tae, "You look beautiful as well, sweetheart." Tae beamed at him before going to playing Jack. "Oh, before I forget. Stay out of the kitchen until I say you can come in or I call you okay?"


While Jin cooked Tae sat on the floor with Jack and was watching The Backyardigans when a thought popped in his brain. "Jin-nie hyung, "Tae called. Jin-nie hyung came out of he kitchen quickly looking around to make sure nothing was broken before looking at Tae, "Yes sweetheart?"

"Should I be in big space for Mr. Jeon?" Jin blinked at the question before answering, "Do you feel comfortable meeting him in little space?" Tae nodded. "Then you should stay in little space, there should be plenty of opportunities for you to meet him in big space."

Tae smiled at Jin, feeling reassured. Jin smiled before walking back to the kitchen to finish cooking. When he left Tae sat and watched another show on Nick Jr. In the middle of the show the door bell rang and Tae's heart dropped to his stomach. He heard voices and footsteps but he didn't move.

"Tae come and say hello to Mr. Jeon," Jin-nie hyung's voice came from the kitchen. Tae took a deep breath and charged into the kitchen to go hide right behind Jin's back. He was so focused on hiding that he didn't have a chance to get a look at Mr. Jeon's face.

"Tae get from behind me and say hello to Mr. Jeon." Tae walked out from behind Jin and finally got a good look at Mr. Jeon's face. He turned back to Jin and whispered, "He's really pretty Jin-nie hyung." Tae turned back around and gazed at Mr. Jeon's face. He had pale skin and pink, almost red, lips. His eyes were chocolatey brown and looked so trustworthy. He had a smile that showed off some cute bunny teeth that made Tae giggle.

"Hi, Mr. Jeon. I'm Tae," he whispered. Mr. Jeon winked at him and made Tae blush like a schoolgirl. "Nice to meet you, Tae. I'm Mr. Jeon," Jungkook said extending his hand for Tae to shake. Tae placed his hand in Jungkook's and immediately noticed the difference between them. Mr. Jeon's skin was rough and pale while Tae's skin was a little darker and his skin was soft.

Jin stood back and watched them look at each other intently. He smiled happily knowing that he made a great decision to have Jungkook take care of Tae.

Tae hated to admit it but Mr. Jeon was perfect, he could see the ripples of muscle under Jungkook's shirt and could imagine the way they would feel if he were to touch them. Jungkook stared at Tae with wonder. He thought Tae was beautiful and he couldn't wait to get to know him.

Jin watched the way Jungkook interacted with Tae and almost giggled happily when he saw how awe struck Tae was with Jungkook. He knew Jungkook would be a great caregiver/boyfriend for Tae.

If Taehyung gave him a chance.

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