Unknown Caller Chapter 18

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The next couple of days went by smoothly. Tae and Jungkook had grown closer to each other than either of them thought that they would. Tae had been in little space all of those days and honestly he felt a lot better. Every once in a while the memory of the phone call would cross his mind but he had Jungkook there to remind him that he was loved more than most people could ever hope for.

Today was his first day of being out of headspace in about 4 days. He woke up with Jungkook's arms wrapped around his waist tightly. Slowly he turned around and scanned Jungkook's face. He noticed some old acne scars that weren't too noticeable unless you were really paying attention. He noticed his lips, they were slightly chapped and a light pink color. There was also a small twitch to Jungkook's lips that happened every few seconds.

He smiled slightly and watched for a few minutes until he decided to get out of the bed. Carefully he removed Jungkook's arms from around his waist and froze as he heard a quiet groan release from Jungkook's lips. Quickly he ran out of the room once he was sure that Jungkook was still asleep.

Taehyung closed the door quietly and sighed as he considered the last few day. He couldn't believe how amazing Jungkook made him feel. Giddy, that was a good way to explain how he felt this morning. He felt ready to take on the day and just conquer everything that life threw his way. Taehyung refused to let anything bring down his happiness, he knew after what happened with the phone that he probably worried Jin half to death.

'No, only happy thoughts today,' Taehyung thought as he pulled from the door and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth quickly and got a hot shower. He groaned as the hot water ran down his body relaxing his aching muscles. Even though he had calmed down from what happened with his mother his body wasn't willing to do the same. As the water glided down he took his time bathing. When he stepped out of the shower the bathroom was filled with steam. He sighed as he remembered that he didn't grab clothes and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist to his bedroom.

He walked in and started looking through his closet from an outfit. He picked out some ripped black jeans, but couldn't decide on a shirt so he just decided to leave it for later. He walked over to his dresser and smiled as he saw Jungkook's black hoodie thrown on it precariously. He grabbed some boxers and slipped them on under the towel. He threw the towel onto the rocking chair in his room and pulled his jeans on. His eyes kept going back to Jungkook's black hoodie, he wanted to put it on but he didn't want Jungkook to be mad at him. Finally after a lot of mental arguing he decided to put it on and deal with the consequences later.

When he had the hoodie on it not only provided him with warmth but also comfort. It smelled like Jungkook and it made Taehyung smile widely. After he had his clothes on he crept back out of the room downstairs to the kitchen. He grabbed his phone and started going through his notifications and messages. He had one missed call from a number that he didn't know. He shakily hit the call back button remembering what happened the last time he accepted a call without knowing the number.

"Hello," Taehyung breathed. "Hello, is this Kim Taehyung," an emotionless voice came from the other line. "Yes." There was a pause before the voice continued, "We tried to reach you a few days ago to tell you this but you seemed to have missed it. Your father was in a fatal accident and we needed to notify you so that you can make funeral preparations." Taehyung inhaled deeply before replying, "You've made a mistake. You have to call his ex wife, she should still be in his emergency contacts. I'll come by if you need me to identify the body if you need me to, but his ex-wife should be contacted to handle funeral arrangements."

"Yes sir, we will make sure that she is contacted. We don't need you to identify him though, he had his wallet on his person when he died," The voice drawled. "Okay, thank you for contacting me and if you need anymore information don't hesitate to call. Have a nice day, goodbye." There was silence from the other end and Taehyung rolled his neck while hanging up. He sat down at the table and considered how he felt about the entire situation. On one hand he felt terrible about his father dying, but on the other he was almost numb. Not because his father died, but because he didn't feel like a kid who just lost their parent. He felt like he was just told that a stranger died, and in a way he had been told a stranger died.

His father before the divorce was an amazing man, but after he was just a shell of the man that used to be there. Taehyung had forgotten what a father and mother was supposed to make you feel until Jin came back into his life. Without Jin he wouldn't have been the person he was today and honestly the thought of Jin leaving him hurt more his father's death. These feelings made Taehyung feel terrible. He should have been on his way right now to the morgue to see his father's dead body and crying out of sorrow.

"How fucking selfish can I be," Taehyung mumbled as he thought about his feelings. He wanted to cry, but someone very important once told him that crying is okay, but when you do it a lot it starts to loose its significance. Tears burned his eyes and he grabbed a glass and threw it in anger. In his rage he forgot about Jungkook being upstairs, asleep. He didn't hear his hurried footsteps and didn't even notice his presence until he spoke. "Are you okay?"

Taehyung head spun to Jungkook so quick that Jungkook winced. "Yeah, I just accidently dropped some glass. I'm sorry I woke you up," Taehyung said looking down guiltily. "Its fine, I would have woken up a few minutes later so its not a big deal. This glass on the floor though isn't, I'll clean it up and cook some breakfast."

Taehyung nodded without another word and walked past Jungkook, but not without leaving a ghost of a kiss on Jungkook's cheek. Right when he got to the stairs a lone tear rolled down his cheek opening a flood gate of tears that he wouldn't let Jungkook see.

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