Frustrating Chapter 26

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Jin's POV

I hear voices, but not clearly though. Its almost as though I'm underwater and they're speaking from the surface. I can make out certain words if I strain myself but other than that there's only darkness and bleakness. The only thing I remember before I reached this place is a fire, a lot of jerking, and screaming. I remember seeing Namjoon fly towards the front of the plane and I also remember trying to reach for him, but only bits and pieces.

My heart picked up when I recognized Tae's voice calling out for me. I wanted nothing more than to open my eyes and hug him but the harder I tried to open them the harder it was to really do anything. I listened though, I listened to Jungkook tell Tae that I was hurt. I listened to Tae try to get to me. I noticed that he was ripped out of little space as well. There was a doctor who was named Baekhyun and he said that I was in a medical coma because of some third degree burns. Then Taehyung yelled, "Damn you Jungkook!" There was murmuring after and then silence.

Listening to everything that was said and done and not being able to do anything was so frustrating. Listening to Taehyung and Jungkook fight was frustrating. Taehyung had a habit of caring about people so much that he thought it selfish to care for himself. I wanted Jungkook to help me to teach Taehyung that it never hurt anyone to care for themselves a little bit.

That habit made him hold back the way he felt about the people he wanted to be close to or the people that he was close to. I even had a problem with it sometimes. He would be to the point of staying up every night because he was petrified of nightmares and every time I asked he would say that he fine and that I was just worrying for nothing. It was frustrating. When he finally told me why he was having them it wasn't something to be taken lightly, but he didn't want me to do anything about it.

He's been getting better at telling me when he has a problem or if something's bothering him, but I don't think it'll be that easy between him and Jungkook. I was a last resort, but Jungkook is something that Taehyung and I both know will only come once in a lifetime. He was looking for one thing that I knew I couldn't give him, which was the ability to understand. I understood that he was going to have bad days and that sometimes I wasn't going to be able to help him. I understood that he was going to feel horrible about himself and his situation sometimes, but I couldn't understand the exact feeling.

He needed someone who could understand and now that I knew Jungkook could relate I refuse to let him hold back because of the fear of hurting Jungkook or the fear of not having him anymore. I remember when Taehyung was thirteen and he came to me to talk about some boy who he thought was cute. I remember him crying to me about it because he was told by one of his friends that it was gross and unnatural. That was the day that I had my first fight and also the day I became his protector. It wasn't my role to play, but I had started to spend a lot of time around Taehyung and he was slowly becoming something more than a friend. It was love, but not the kind of love that was often described in book and movies.

The love I was talking about made my heart ache when I wasn't able to give him every thing he deserved in the world or when he was going through and I couldn't help. The love I had seen displayed from my mother some nights, she would stay awake when I couldn't sleep even though she was supposed to work the next morning. I had always felt the need to take care of Taehyung. My parents often asked me why I wouldn't date Taehyung and my answer used to always be muddled in my head. I used to stutter something along the lines of 'He's too young for me Eomma, that's disgusting!', but the more they asked the clearer the answer became. He wasn't looking for someone to date, he was looking for someone to take care of him without judging him and I was willing to be that for him. Now it was my time to hand him off to Jungkook.

Another chapter, I don't know how I feel about it but I hope you enjoy. I really appreciate everyone who takes time to read the chapters, you all are very special to me. Have a good day/night and always be safe. xoxo

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