Saving Grace Chapter 15

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There was a comfortable silence in the air as Taehyung and Jungkook cuddled on the bed. Jungkook was trailing his fingers over Taehyung's arm lightly and Taehyung was almost asleep. Neither of them was ready to have their little private sanctum destroyed just yet, but as they say: all good things must come to an end.

Jungkook's phone went off loudly, making Taehyung jump. "Its just my phone, baby boy," Jungkook mumbled as he looked at the screen. He looked down at Taehyung before putting the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

Jin's voice came from the other end, "Hey, Kook. Is my baby okay now or are you still working on it?" Jungkook smiled at the worry in Jin's voice, "Yeah, he's calmed down and he's about to take a nap." Jin let out a relieved breath, "Let me talk to him really quickly, okay?" Jungkook pulled the phone away from his ear and muted it. "Baby boy? Jin hyung wants to talk to you," Jungkook said.

"Eomma," Tae mumbled sleepily. Jungkook frowned in confusion at the name, "Jin hyung wants to talk to you, do you want to talk with him?" Tae energized a little and nodded before accepting the phone. "Hello? Eomma, I miss you," Tae yelled into the phone. Jungkook laughed and pulled it away from Tae's ear, "I have to take it off of mute baby."

Tae pouted and watched Jungkook take the phone off of mute. The moment Jungkook was done he took the phone without thought and repeated what he said the first time. Jin frowned in confusion at his new name, "Sweetheart, what's my name?" Tae giggled, "Eomma." Jin clarified what he meant, "No, I mean what's my actual name."

"Jin-nie hyung." Jin nodded and accepted the new name without hesitation. "Eomma, I really miss you," Taehyung mumbled as he was about to fall asleep. "I miss you too, sweetheart. I'll be back soon, I love you. Good night," Jin said. There was no reply and Jin smiled at the fact that Taehyung fell asleep.

Jungkook took the phone from Tae and put it to his ear, "Hey, is everything alright in California?" He heard Jin sigh, "They want to change some of the things in the song, which means that we have to rewrite most of it. I'm stressed but all in all everything's fine." Jungkook nodded even though Jin couldn't see him. "What about you and Namjoon hyung? What's going on with that?"

"Nothing, but funny thing, when we got to the hotel they messed up our rooms. Now we're staying in one room with one bed, but its not that bad. It helps to make sure he goes to bed because as much as I'm stressed Joon is ten times worse," Jin said. Jungkook laughed, "Yeah, you know how much hyung's job means to him. Jin hyung, how did you and Taehyung gets as close as you are?"

There was a pause from Jin before he started talking again, "I've known Taehyung since he was born. His parents and my parents were very close to each other so that forced us to be around each other a lot. He was like my little brother, but then he left for two years and he came back different and his dad was different too. Before he left he used to always smile and giggle at nothing when he came back it was weird. He got quiet, his grades started slipping and he just shut down. His dad was drinking and sleeping around with different women every night. I did the only thing I could do. I was there for him and I made sure that everything that he was supposed to do was done. Taehyung wasn't a bad person, he was just a person that bad things happened to. He got better though, slowly but surely. He moved in with my parents when he was 15 because I was leaving for college and they could use my room. 2 years later I got a job, bought a house, and let him move in with me. We've been through too much to not be close."

"How about you and Jiminie. How did you guys get to be so close," Jin asked. Jungkook looked down at Tae's sleeping figure and decided to get out of the bed and talk. "One second," Jungkook grunted as he slowly crawled over Tae's body and out of the bed. He looked back one final time before closing the door as he walked out. 

"I'm back. Okay, so when I was born I was taken from my mom when I was three years old. She had some mental issues and at first she was taking her medication, but then she stopped. I was moved around until I was 7 years old and I was placed with her again. She had started back on her medication and was doing well until I turn ten years old. She stopped the medication again except this time was worse because she was screaming about there being people in the house coming to take her and the way that they were getting in was me. She said I was a spy so she hit me, a lot. One day someone, I don't know who, saw the bruises and had me taken from her again. They couldn't find my father and none of my relatives wanted me, so I stayed in a group home until I was 15. When I got in the group home I met Jimin hyung. We instantly got close to one another and loved being around each other. If you saw him I wasn't that far away and the same went for me. If you saw me Jimin hyung was around somewhere. We spent so much time together and people were saying that he and I were adorable together. We fooled ourselves into believing that we actually saw each other like that, and dated for a little while. We dated all the way through high school, but the year right after we got out we both decided that we couldn't do it. We took sometime away from each other and he met Yoongi hyung, his present day boyfriend, and neither of us could be happier. I got adopted by the old couple and they treated me fantastically. I started working at Fallen Stars when I was 20 years old, but you already knew that. I never knew my dad though, to be honest I never want to meet him. Hyung, I don't think my mom, at any point, told me she loved me. I didn't have anyone until I met Jimin hyung and he made my life so much better."

Jin said, "So Jimin was to you what I am to Taehyung?" Jungkook shook his head, "No, to Taehyung you're a parent, brother, and friend. To me, Jimin hyung is a brother and a friend. Both of you were something that me and Taehyung need, a saving grace."

No more conversation was made after that. Jungkook checked the time and realized it was 3:00 in the morning. He shook his head and put his phone on charge quickly before going back to Tae's room quietly. He didn't hear Taehyung's phone ringing on the kitchen counter with a phone call that would either bring Tae the greatest joy or the most crippling depression he has ever been through in his life. Jungkook crawled into bed swiftly, but gently careful not to wake Tae up. He looked at Tae and wrapped his arm around his waist with a gentle kiss to his forehead. 'I promise that whatever you need I'll be just that. I've been in your position and understand it. I refuse to let you go through what I went through,' Jungkook thought as he nuzzled his nose into Tae's neck.

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