Be Careful What You Ask For Chapter 30

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Taehyung POV
When I woke up I wasn't in little space anymore which pissed me off. I shifted against a warm, hard surface and frowned. I squinted my eyes against the light and looked at the surface that I was against. I could see a mop of mint green hair on the pillow and I instantly knew who it was. I shook his shoulder trying to understand why I was in his bed.

"Yoongi! Wake up," I whispered loudly. There was a groan from him and he opened his eyes glaring at me, "You're not in little space which means that you have no excuse to wake me up." I frowned, "It's not even th-" I was interrupted by the sound pots hitting the floor.

I looked at Yoongi, "Hyung who's that?" Another glare,"Who the hell do you think it is? It's Jungkook obviously." I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. Quietly I walked to the kitchen hoping that Yoongi was right and Jungkook really was in the kitchen. I tiptoed into the kitchen and let out a sigh of relief as I saw Jungkook standing there setting a timer. "Hey baby," Jungkook said smiling at me. I smiled back, "Hey hyung." He poured the rice into the steamer and set a timer. "Do you still just want rice? Do you want anything else?"

I thanked my little self for not asking for a lot of food because I wasn't hungry at all. "Um, yeah that's fine," I smiled sitting at the island. Guilt bubbled inside me as I thought about yesterday and everything that happened. Jungkook must have seen the look on my face because the next I know is he was in my face. "What's wrong babe?"

I blushed at the pet name and shook my head, "I don't deserve you." He pulled back and frowned at me, "Never feel like you don't deserve me. I honestly have never felt this way about someone in my life and you, being who you are, makes this feeling a thousands times more special." Hearing those words made my heart swell. I leaned up and gently laid my lips on his. He took control of the kiss, which I honestly didn't mind, and made my stomach fill with butterflies. I put every feeling I had into it. Every insecurity, tear, and pain was put into that kiss by me.

When he pulled away he smiled at me and wiped a tear from my cheek. "I don't know how to love you," I whispered running my fingers on his lips. My eyes flickered between his lips and eyes before holding eye contact. "Well you seem to be doing a pretty fine job in my opinion," he said. I nodded and put my head down, playing with my fingers. There was silence for a while before the timer went off, scaring both me and Jungkook.

He put some rice in the bowl and poured me some tea. I nodded in thanks and stared at the food. Steam rose from it waiting just like the feelings inside my head. "Is it not good," Jungkook asked through a mouthful of food. I shook my head and put some rice in my mouth, slowly chewing trying to make myself hungry. I took a sip of tea to wash it down and repeated until both my tea and bowl of rice were gone.

I grimaced at the churning of the food in my stomach. My mouth began to water and the churning started to speed up. I looked at Jungkook trying to hide any type of discomfort on my face. Memories of the monster crept in my head reminding me of the past. I smiled and sped walked to the bathroom. I slammed the door closed and locked it before hunching over the toilet, spewing my stomach contents everywhere. I groaned and collapsed fully onto the floor, pressing my hot skin against the cool tile floor.

After a couple of minutes I got up and flushed the toilet. Please not yet. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes sluggishly. I stepped into the water not letting it fully warm up and enjoyed the cold water. Once it warmed up I bathed myself and got out feeling a little better. I didn't look in the mirror and brushed my teeth quickly. With my personal hygiene taken care off, I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. I walked to Jungkook's and my room and looked for my bag.

I couldn't find it so I just went through his bag and put on his clothes. I put on one of his too big white shirts and some black shorts. I borrowed some boxers too and walked to the sitting room, looking for him. "Jungkook," I called out looking around. "Right here." The yell came from a white door connected to the kitchen. I walked in and saw Jungkook sitting there with a cup of coffee. Instead of fighting my instincts I plopped on his lap, putting my face into the crook of his neck. "I can't do it," I whined.

"Can't do what baby boy," Jungkook chuckled, running his fingers through my damp hair. "Little space. I hate being big and I can't go into little space. It's annoying," I whimpered. There was a pause before Jungkook started talking, "Do you want me to help you?" I shook my head knowing that he couldn't help. This happened sometimes, even with Jin hyung. I'd have to wait it out.

"You want to head to the hospital," Jungkook asked, changing the subject. I nodded helplessly. Instead of telling me to get off his lap, he simply carried me to his room and laid me on the bed. "Let me get Yoongi hyung and get ready, then we'll be ready to go." I nodded and watched him walk out. I shuffled a bit and got comfortable. The tiredness was starting to weight on me and I fell asleep.


"Wake up baby. We're ready to go," a voice said. I forced my eyes open to see Jungkook and Yoongi standing over the bed. I nodded and forced myself up grumbling about wanting to be little right now and how much I hated life. Jungkook thankfully held my converse and some socks in his hands. He put my socks on and put my shoes on. When I was ready we rode to the hospital.

By the time we got to the hospital I had perked up a little, but still wanted to be in little space. I help Jungkook's as we walked to Jin hyung's room. When we got the elevator he let me push the button. I was still in big space and I hated it. When we got to the fourth floor nurses were moving around so fast. I squeezed through two of them, leading Jungkook and Yoongi to Jin hyung's room and immediately got kicked into little space.

I watched the doctor rip his gown and flip him onto his back roughly. I tried to run into the hospital room but Daddy pulled me back. There was a nurse who came out and Daddy pulled her to the side. "What's happening?" The nurse rushed, "His heart stopped unexpectedly, but we don't know what happened. There was another nurse who came in to give him a sponge bath and noticed his heart rate picking up and called the doctor in to check him out. When the doctor was working his heart stopped and we tried chest compressions but that was working. Now we're hoping that the defibrillator will help him."

I tried to free myself from his grasp by wiggling but he only tightened his grip around me. "EOMMA, TAE WANT YOU BACK. HE LOVES YOU. TAE SCARED AND NEED YOU," I screamed into the hospital room. There were looks shot in my direction and Daddy took me back into the elevator. Yoonie was standing there, not saying a word. "Daddy, w-what's gonna h-happen to Eomma? Will h-he be o-okay," I blubbered.

Daddy kneeled in front of me, "Of course Eomma's going to be okay. He's strong, plus you know how much he loves you. He wouldn't leave you here." I skin my back down the way and put my knees into my chest. I felt weak, like I couldn't do anything. Little space might have made me less stressed out but it did take things the hardest. Big me clashed with little me, making my head pound. Be careful what you ask for.

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