Stress and Worry Chapter 28

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Jungkook POV

I watched the door to the bathroom carefully. I was slightly worried about Taehyung, he just seemed off. He hasn't eaten much today and he's just been pretty quiet, even before he found out about Jin hyung being in the hospital. It worried me because even though he was thin as hell, he could pack away food like nobody's business and he could find something to talk about out of no where.

There was the click of a lock and the creak of a door before Taehyung came into view. I was sitting on the small couch beside Namjoon hyung's bed and watched as Taehyung crossed the room and sat beside me. He sat with one leg under him and leaned most of his weight into me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and rubbed it without thinking. Slowly Taehyung relaxed and leaned his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes.

I joked around with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung for a little while before I heard the deep breaths of Taehyung. I looked at his face and smiled. His lips were closed, his nose pressed against my shoulder, and his eyes were closed, letting his eyelashes dust his cheek. "You're cute together," Namjoon hyung said scaring the hell out of me. I jumped slightly, almost making Taehyung wake up. He babbled slightly and I took my hand and laid it on his head. I shushed him quietly, "Daddy's here. Its alright."

He stopped shuffling and let out a small sigh. His hand moved towards his mouth to suck on his thumb, but I grabbed it gently and placed it back on his lap. I reached into my pocket for the pacifier I had for him earlier and asked Yoongi hyung to wash it off for me. Yoongi glared, but got up and washed it off anyway. As soon as I put the pacifier in Tae's mouth he started sucking lightly.

I watched and listened to Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung talk while Tae slept. Soon Yoongi and I were saying good bye to Namjoon and promising that we would be back tomorrow. Instead of waking Tae up I simply picked him up off of the couch and carried him through the hospital, ignoring the funny looks thrown my way. When we got to the car I let Tae sit in my lap until we got to Yoongi's old family house.

He unlocked the door for me to take Tae to his room. I placed him on the bed and decided that I'd let him get a bath rather than making him get one tonight. I changed him into a onesie and kissed his head. I cracked the door and walked out quietly. When I got out of the room I walked back to the car to get Tae's bag and my own. Yoongi hyung walked past me with his own bag and walked to one of the bedrooms. As I walked through the house to put my bag up I took time to admire the house. It was a pretty large house, but it looked like it hadn't been lived in for years, which was true.

I took the last bedroom and closed my door. I went to the connected bathroom and got a shower. As the water warmed I thought about today. I felt myself panic slightly at the thought of more flashbacks, especially with Tae around. When they were bad I could have up to five a week but I'm hoping that it'll go down to one every once in a while.

I stepped out of my clothes and got into the shower stiffly. Stress was one of the main causes of me having them and to be honest, I wasn't doing the best job at keeping my stress level low. I was stressed because I was worried about Jin hyung, stressed because I don't know how to be a fucking caregiver, and I don't know how to take care of Taehyung the way he needs to be taken care of.

I love Taehyung more than I really would like to admit to myself. I'm stupid for falling in love with someone I just met less than two months ago, but I have never met someone like Taehyung. He was something that I could relate to in almost every way, but at the same time I can't relate to him.

I want to love him, I want to care for him, but I also want to know what the hell this situation is. I want to be reassured that this relationship isn't just pure attraction because we've been through similar things, but I want it to be actual love and care for each other.

The cold water shocked me from my thoughts as the hot water ran out. I cut off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and opened my bag. I pulled out some sleeping clothes and got dressed. After I got dressed I got my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth.

"Jungkook, I'm going to bed. You need something before I go to sleep," Yoongi hyung asked sticking his head into my door. I smiled, "No, I'm fine. Do me a favor though, and check on Tae for me. He tends to move around in his sleep a little and I'd hate for him to fall out of the bed." Yoongi hyung nodded and walked out. I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. The fresh feeling of a clean mouth and body made me feel renewed. I sat my bag on the floor and closed the door to my room.

I climbed into my bed and decided to get some work done. I filled out the paper work that Fallen Stars asked me to and I also looked over the lyrics Yoongi and Namjoon had prepared for me. Humming them to the unfinished beat they gave me I smiled. Those two together managed to make the most amazing songs and honestly it amazed me to no end. I was so caught up in my work that I didn't notice or hear the bedroom door creak open. I didn't notice that it was almost one in the morning.

There was a weight on the other side of the bed that made me jump. Tae stared at me with sleep filled eyes, "Daddy, where were you? I woke up and you were gone." I put done my papers and phone and opened my arms letting Tae fall into the sleepily. "I'm sorry. I just thought you would want your own room."

Tae pouted, "You didn't want me to sleep with you?" I shook my head hurriedly, "No! That's not what I meant, I just meant that I thought you wouldn't want to sleep with me." Tae looked at me with a confused look, "Why wouldn't I want to sleep with Daddy?"

I sighed, "Because Daddy was very dumb and hurt his baby on accident." There was a small hint of understanding on Tae's face. "Tae forgive Daddy already. He love Daddy a lot more than he tells him." I smiled as he talked about himself in third person. "Daddy loves you too. Let's go to bed, munch. We have to go see Eomma and Joon hyung tomorrow."

As I started getting comfortable Tae perked up. "Can I make Eomma a picture?" I nodded as fatigue hit me harder. Tae looked satisfied and curled up on my chest. "Daddy, don't be mad at Tae when he say bad words. He can't control his self sometime and he gets to be a meanie head. He doesn't mean them most of the time, its just he gets scawed and tries to hide it."

I frowned at the randomness of that statement, but soothed his worries nonetheless. "I won't, I pinky promise. I have a question though: what do you get scared of?" Tae yawned, "That Daddy will not want Tae anymore and leave just like everyone else." He wrapped his pinky around mine and started sucking on my neck gently. I wanted to go get one of his pacifiers from my bag or the room that he was in before, but I doubted that he would want to move.

I just shifted slightly and kissed his head, letting the thought of what he just said sink in.

Another chapter. I guess this one was okay, I might come back and look at it again tomorrow. I don't know, but I hope you enjoy. We're coming upon the end of the book. I'll be starting on the second one soon and I hope you enjoy it just as much, if not more than, this book.

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