Chapter 22: Almost Theirs

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Grays P.O.V.

The team burst through the doors ready to fight. We were beating the crap out of everyone. Except those 5 top members, they weren't even there. Sure, they all have a life, or do they? They sent 5 people after one person. I looked over at Natsu and saw him screaming like the idiot he is. Natsu yelled "WHERE'S JUVIA'S MOM!?" "I-I don't know!" Natsus' captive yelled.

"Your lying!"

"No, I-I'm not! Promise!"


My eyes widened as I looked him. Was he really gonna kill him? Was he just bluffing? No, Natsu is the most straight forward person I know, he was gonna kill him. I ran over and grabbed the collar of the captives shirt. "Natsu what are you doing?" I asked.


"What!? Calm down! You don't have to kill anyone!"

"Yes I do!"


"Because they stole Juvias parent! If I had the chance to save Igneel I would do anything!"

Then it hit me, Natsu doesn't want Juvia to go through the same pain he did. I remember how depressed he was when Lucy lost her father. Heck, he was more depressed than she was. Every time someone lost a parent it would remind him about his. It wasn't that he didn't want to see anyone go through the pain of losing a loved one, he doesn't want to remember how bad it felt.

Then again, how would I know? My parents were killed by Deliora before I even got to know them. Ur took me in but I never respected her until the day she died.

I snapped out of my thinking trance and saw Natsu shaking his captive to death.


"Thank you!" Natsu dropped the captives lifeless body and looked at me.

"You heard him, lets go get Juvias mom!"


The idiot jumped on a table and started yelling again.


"It's 13 moron!"

"I said that."

"No, you said 79!"

"It's 13 not 79, lame ice!"

"You asked for it!"

"Gray-san!" Juvia started. "Lets go find Juvias mother!" "Okay..." I answered. We all ran down stairs and bust the doors open. We are shocked at what we see.

Charle couldn't move as she faintly spoke:

'Just as I predicted...'


Okay sry for the wait! And the fact that what you get is a crappy cliffhanger so yeah... BUT IT'S STILL A CLIFFHANGER SO TRY & GUESS WHAT'S SO SHOCKING!!

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