Chapter 11: Losing Track

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Juvia rushed through the dark streets of the town. 'Where should I go?' After leaving little Juvia, Juvia hasn't seen a single soul!

I've felt like I'd been running for hours! But was it really? It was like you couldn't keep track of time. Then again, in this place you couldn't keep track of anything, direction, time, sanity. Finally, the sun came out! The heat warmed up every part of me. My skin glowed.

'I heard something...'

There finally is someone here! I turn around and saw a dragon. Deliphobian the Death dragon. It's roar puts fear in you like no other. Was it the end?
'No point in fighting, my magic doesn't work in this twisted illusion of a dream, anyway.'

'That's right, this is all just a dream!'

I pinched my skin.

'Dream or not I can feel pain. This cannot end well...'

Okay so what do y'all's think!? Yay or Nay? Anywho for those who have forgotten Juvia is still sleeping, everything seems well but the nightmare is just beginning... tell me if Juvia's dream itself is making you sleepy. I'LL WAKE HER UP!!
That is, if she can...

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