Chaper 1: The Bet

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"Gray-sama!" Juvia happily yelled. "Oh, hey Juvia" Gray said irritated. "Juvia's been waiting for you, I challenge you to a duel!" Juvia exclaimed. Gray gave her a puzzled look. "Huh?" "If Juvia wins Gray-sama goes on date with Juvia. "What?" "Let's shake" Juvia said. "And if I win you don't stalk me forev-" "for a month!" Juvia finished.

"Deal!" Gray said. Then they shook hands. They took this outside the guild hall everyone was watching. The last time Gray had to fight Juvia one-on-one was when she was in Phantom Lord. And to refresh your memory, Gray won. But he also fought Juvia in the grand magic games but, they both lost.

The heated battle began. "Water slicer!" "Ice make hammer!" "Water lock" "Ice make geyser!" The crowd cheer grew louder until someone finally won. Juvia was defeated using the same trick as before. Juvia lost her own game. Not only that but she couldn't see the one she loved for a whole month. Juvia sat there, remembering the grin on grays face when he won. A tear streamed down her face. Followed by the rain, heavy rain.

Juvia sat there still. Suddenly someone pulled her up on her feet. But, it wasn't Gray, or anyone from fairy tail for that matter. Juvia cried even more as she realized who lifted her off the ground. It was her one and only mother.

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