Chapter 12: Deliphobian

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"Juvia, is she alright?" asked Corane. "I-I don't know she looked really scared then she started coughing and choking!" Rosselle exclaimed worriedly. "Could it be-" Corane stopped mid sentence. "What Corane-sama!?" asked Rosselle.

"Oh it's nothing."

Meanwhile with Juvia💙💧



'Run faster!.'

That was the only thing playing in Juvia's head. Well, what else would you be thinking of? Your being chased by a dragon in a dream where you can't use magic nor wake up.

'Hey, I'm hungry, NO.'

Trust me, you'd be thinking about wether your going to live or not. This, Deliphobian, is x100 the size of me and creates a dark green fire...creepy. The monster blows fire everywhere. I feel like I'm suffocating! Juvia begin coughing and choking. Her running pace slowed by the second. The giant beast took its claw and whacked Juvia!

"AHHH!!" Juvia shrieked.

At that moment her wound was covered in a thin sheet of ice. While the beast was covered in a pretty thick layer. Then the ice, burst! Along with that monster inside it. Juvia was... saved.



Gray? Is that you? Stay tuned to find out.

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